Yithian, keeper of the great librarymoonxels on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/moonxels/art/Yithian-keeper-of-the-great-library-342237434moonxels

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Yithian, keeper of the great library



this is a view of a Yithian
The great and ancient race of Yith, Yithians possess the ability to transfer their minds across time and space. By swapping consciousnesses with other beings, Yithians are able to explore remote worlds and eras. Furthermore, when they learned that their race would be extinguished by flying polyps, they used their psychic powers to send their minds hurtling across the universe to reside in the tall, strange, conical forms of four-limbed beings from an ancient Earth

card art made for "The Key and the Gate" expansion set for CALL OF CTHULHU: the card game by FFG.
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1200x900px 553.89 KB
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What was the name of the book these things came from?