Winter SolsticeMoonshen on DeviantArt

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November 16, 2019
Winter Solstice by Moonshen
Featured by lovelessdevotions
Moonshen's avatar

Winter Solstice


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Liquisoft DinyctisLiquisoft
Ours is winter. I've been waiting for this rain, so I did this picture to welcome these blue lights which are embracing our planetside.
A small death which renews the seed, to begin the hope of creating new branches and fruits for the next summer.

Every year, we have the chance to become a different & better tree; so if it's your moment and you have the chance, don't escape from the cold and the water.
Cold Rain, Seas, Lakes and Rivers offers you a path to your core; the child, the heart. 

Even if you are in a different season, there's always a moment to reset, I'm celebrating these moments, especially because it's my turn! :aww:

I took a long time to complete this; completely relaxed, having today's solstice as a deadline.
I hope you like it guys!

Of course this wasn't censored at first so here's the original

Bullet; Orange Instagram
Bullet; Blue Twitter
Bullet; Purple Tumblr
Image size
4500x5060px 22.16 MB
© 2019 - 2025 Moonshen
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EsbaGrimm's avatar

Deliciously dreamlike 😊