Ancient LabyrinthMoonshen on DeviantArt

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Ancient Labyrinth


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Crystal expels the greedness so bad guys will be always lost!
Really don't know, I had this idea while painting.
True a challenge because I have difficulties with architecture.

This is a scene for the musical album "City In The Clouds", it will be carefully printed in a booklet, I would like to see
the results C:

Website of the album: [link]
Musician and album's creator's facebook: [link]
His DA site: [link]
other scenes from the adventures:

Nocturne Travel: [link]
Undersea Volcano: [link]
Secret Forest: [link]
Crystal Caverns: [link]
Forest in the sky: [link]
Image size
7559x3780px 2.5 MB
© 2013 - 2025 Moonshen
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AshuraFin's avatar

"There it is !  The Aetherium Crystal !"   "Oh, is that why everything is floating ?"😀