University DaysMoonlitBrush on DeviantArt

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University Days



So many reasons for drawing this! I needed a refresh and red a few fanfics, which resulted in me finding another story worth reading, by an author who isn't around anymore? That's depressing. Regardless of the reasons, it's a good story with only a few things I wish had been done differently. The ending almost seems to force a last-minute conflict, which slice of life stories don't really need.

The way it should have ended is with the uncertainty that comes with life, which it tried for but then attention was divided between how they would overcome their problems and Lapis. By giving the reader a direction to focus their anger, it lost a bit of punch.

Being upset with the situation is what slice of life is all about, and while the ending lacks this, the rest of the story is full of situations that hint at hidden troubles. If a few of those had come back later on in an unexpected but realistic fashion then that would have helped make this my favorite mlp romance fiction. It's not a very long list, but I also haven't found the right one yet.

This is a cute pairing, however Lyra/Bonbon fanfics always seem more plausible for romance, Vinyl and Octavia would be best as roommates.

Still, if it's good enough to make me want to draw it, then it's inspiring at least.
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MonkeyBlueM's avatar

W-Wait why did you say the name Lapis? My OC’s name is Luminous Lapis in a story I’m attempting to write.