The One That Ran Away (Doctor Whooves)MoonlitBrush on DeviantArt

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The One That Ran Away (Doctor Whooves)


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Doctor Whooves as a child on Gallopfrey (couldn't figure out what the coloration should be, I assume the first doctor would have had brown hair when he was younger) being initiated into the Academy.

In the tv series the Doctor tells the story of the Master and only mentions himself at the end as an afterthought, implying he's running away but not clarifying if he's running in fear away from something... or towards something that terrifies him.

This version of the doctor can't stand idly by like the other Time Lords while others suffer. He never finishes a book and tears out the last page so he doesn't know the ending. Knowing what is supposed to happen means being unable to change anything, by only seeing suffering in the vortex he has a chance to save everyone in the end.
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542x3300px 777.72 KB
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Foxy-Knight's avatar
This is why the doctor started running, I accept it whole heartedly