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MoonlitBrush's avatar

Derpy Deliveries Act 2 Part 8




"What happened to that smile I used to know"

Balefire isn't a singular type of magical fire the Zebras used. Manehattan was unique in that 200 years later litter still blows through the streets, yet no skeletons or organic matter from that time period can be found outside buildings shielded from the initial blast. It stands to reason that fabrics woven from wool and other organic materials would have burned up in the fires, but plastics, paper, and processed materials would not, or would at least be resistant to the magical flame.

Given the number of ghouls created by balefire radiation, this may have been an intentional function of this particular bomb, so they might also have made it so the fire destroys pony constructs, to help reduce the number of hostiles. The plan may have been to use the bomb on a major city, then move in and set up a zebra stronghold from the remains. With all that the ponies were planning (and the Zebras likely drug-induced future sight) they might have moved their plans forward and hoped that these bombs would wipe the ponies out when used at once.
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yttyr's avatar
Is this dead or just on hiatus?