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Derpy Deliveries Act 2 Part 6




"Cheer up, Derpy"

Dinky the Fire Chief was able to survive the initial blast by being in one of the few emergency service facilities shielded by the blast. As it was on the outskirts of the city it held up slightly better than the shielded buildings closer to the blast itself, despite failing almost instantly. She managed to work her way to the bridge leading out of the city before the fire caught up to her and the truck succumbed to the heat.

The firetruck water talisman did a good job holding back the fire, yet it did nothing to stave off the radiation. In the minutes since fleeing the fire station, her mane had begun to fall out, her hooves felt itchy and burning after the short walk through the fallout, her migraine had only gotten worse, and her digestive tract had made apparent how bad her internal bleeding was.

She somehow managed to find a living pony in the smoking rubble, though they were worse off than she was. They were going to die, even if somehow something came to save them, she knew that. Faced with death, she didn't want to go alone.
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1125x900px 1.21 MB
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"Hello? *Cough* Is... there... a-anyone there?"

-Broadcast on multiple civilian channels. Speaker unknown.

"ATTENTION. ATT- *static* -ON. ALL *static* urged to evac-*static* immedia- *static*

-Emergency Broadcast System message playing on civilian channels. Message detected repeating before signal was lost approximately four hours after the blast.

"*Gasping* Please... someone..."

-Transmission detected on Channel 881, reserved for use by Equestrian military. Speaker unidentified.

"Manehattan Civil Defense, do you copy? This is *static* I say again: Manehattan Civil Defense, do you copy? Emergency services, do you copy? Come in. Please respond."

-Military Transmission, unknown source.