Derpy Deliveries Act 2 Part 5MoonlitBrush on DeviantArt

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Derpy Deliveries Act 2 Part 5




"There they go."

This follows the headcanon of Derpy being Dinky's mother, as should be clear by now. Dinky would be unable to live in Cloudsdale as she is a unicorn, and Derpy travels all over Equestria as part of her job as a courier anyways, she could settle down wherever she likes. Ponyville accepted all three races similarly to towns like Manehattan, though in her travels she may have found the busy atmosphere unacceptable for raising her daughter. Since her job takes her everywhere the only reason she'd need to choose one to stay is for her daughter, so she chose one place where a pony could live in relative peace, Ponyville. Derpy doesn't always make the best choices.

Once Dinky grew up and could move wherever her cutie mark took her, Derpy no longer needed to stay in Ponyville. She still travels there regularly due to work and has kept in contact with her friends, though it's easier to pick up the mail in Cloudsdale now that she lives there. Lived.

So, Dinky moved to Manehattan. With the war starting up I feel that her staying in the place she grew up would make her nostalgic for the past in the same way a person might be nostalgic for a dying parent, so instead she went to a place that was similar to home but would lack any childhood attachments. The war was what, ten years? She's definitely an adult by this point, has her mark, and has probably been living here for years.
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DarkZ67's avatar

Chrysalis: at last the end of the world is here.