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MoonlitBrush's avatar

Derpy Deliveries Act 2 Part 3




"Can make your troubles go away"

This one is a bit more graphic, which is kinda the point when it comes to anything touched by Fallout. Desolate landscapes are not my forte.

So it's been three months since the last one, I'd wanted to update sooner but the winter is unforgiving and getting food money takes priority. Now that spring is on the horizon these will start coming faster. Also found out that I'm full of kidney stones, that was an adventure. Was kinda hoping I'd be at page 7 at least but priorities are definitely going to be an issue for a while yet. Anyways, two more pages and I can stop drawing ghouls. Maybe next time I'll try to make them look more ghoulish rather than just kinda dim.
Image size
1125x900px 989.37 KB
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TheNorthRemembers3's avatar

I turned Derpy into Courier Six XD