Derpy Deliveries Act 2 Part 2MoonlitBrush on DeviantArt

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Derpy Deliveries Act 2 Part 2




"But me and Mr Hooves"

Yes yes, I know what you are all thinking.

"Moonlit, why is the lighting not as good as before?" And the answer to that is drawing three ponies in the same amount of time as one requires a few steps be skipped, with some rapid back-tracking when you realize skipping steps wasn't an option and now your lighting looks weird but fixing it would cost more time so you try something else that sorta works but now everything is bumpy-looking.

I should invest in a proper painting program. SAI has held up well over the years, but some real variety with brushes would be better.

...There sure are a lot of butts in this shot. Well, I think the next one should be a front-view, so we get to see her lovely eyes rather than zombie rumps. I cannot guarantee front-views though, 50% of all potential viewing angles feature pony butts.

For high-quality pony pictures (same ones as here, but BIGGER) come toss some bits here:

If you'd rather just watch me draw (I stream more often now!) you can watch it here
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1125x900px 1016.14 KB
© 2015 - 2025 MoonlitBrush
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Edward256's avatar
You know, for this and the next picture, I can't help but imagine the following tune: