Apple Family LullabyMoonlitBrush on DeviantArt

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MoonlitBrush's avatar

Apple Family Lullaby



Some family traditions are based on a common wish for understanding and support, or just to put a childs mind at ease or distract them from their own thoughts. The Apple family lullaby is born out of a fear of what may be, soothed only by what has already been. Nothing lasts forever, and new life uncovers old fears... one thing that helps during these trials is the knowledge that everything you fear now has been feared by your parents and grandparents and great-grand parents, and they are all telling you that everything will be alright, so don't worry about it.


And my arm's mostly better! Still took three days to do this rather than just doing this as a warm-up exercise, but that's better than nothing! Might need a week to do some commissions, but I'll be drawing up a storm in no time.
Image size
735x4500px 2.42 MB
© 2015 - 2025 MoonlitBrush
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iLoveCreativity14's avatar
cant u tell me all the family members from top panel to bottom is singing to who? ^^ im curious