SA I Looking for a servile slave

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moonlightwalk's avatar

SA | Aodh | Chevalier | Aidan by moonlightwalk

This is Aidan. Aidan would really like a slave if anyone has the muse to shove one in before the deadline. I’ve wanted one for him for awhile and this is the last chance so, I can hope right.

He’d be a kind owner who really wants someone to listen to him and gossip to and carry his stuff, but also don’t expect him to be anti-slavery.

Since he’s chevalier who isn’t supossed to bring slaves to work, he’d leave the slave with his family when he can’t bring them. (A nice one prob like Shay or Iscah if they wanna keep an eye out ‘cause he doesn’t want his toy broken by his siblings jekeeje )

The chances are prob slim at this point, so I’m cool with a labor slave as well who was formerly owned by him. I think timeline-wise he was away so we could say his family didn’t manage to buy them back in time and/or blame it on the Soleil’s apparent fanincial problems/awkward kicked from major family line situation?
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HoundFlash's avatar
I’m working on a servile slave now to try to push in before the deadline! His name is Alcibiades (Aky for short), he’s a pegasus, and he is going to be one of those proud slaves who actually adores their station and who they serve and thinks other slaves who thinks otherwise are flat out loony.