
TBS - Pan's scary story

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Pan grinned wickeldy as he hang over the campfire, the light casting shadows on face. His teeth gleemed as he began to tell his tale, his voice low and eerie.

"I heard this happened in our region a couple of years ago. At the time serveral cats went missing and all cats were told to be extra carefull, nobody was supossed to leave camp alone. Searchers, hunters and warriors were all sent out in groups and rookies always needed a full-ranked guide. A group of rookies however thought not to much of it and the cats dared eachother to meet up in the woods at night, just outside the region. Rena was one of them. It was dark outside, but the moon was almost full so the brave she-cat feared not. She walked quietly amongst the trees and was about to reach their meeting spot when she heared quiet humming. Wondering if maybe one of her friend was tricking her, the female went to investigate. As she drew closer to the sound, the humming turned to singing.

"Alouette, gentille alouette,
Alouette, je te plumerai."

Rena reached a clearing and on the other side sat a little kitten and in between it's paws a little bird. The bird seemed to be dazed, barely moving as the kitten playfully swatted at it. A sweet giggle rose from it as it's singing switched back to humming. Rena wondered what a kitten would do so late out at night all alone. Moving a bit closer, a branch snapped under the she-cat's weight, quickly drawing the kittens attention and making the bird snap out of it and fly away. "My birdie!"

Sniffels filled the clearing as the kitten started to cry and Rena hurried to the other side. The little cat looked up to her, tears filling it's eyes. "My little bird, my sweet birdie got away." Rena quickly started to calm the cat, asking if they were lost. When no answer came, she asked if they wanted to come along instead, the region adults would surely know what to do with them. The kitten only cocked it's head. "Wil you make sure I'll have new bird, Miss?"

The region had many birds, so Rena felt herself nodding. "Yes, I promise, you just have to come with me." The kitten smiled and though it seemed a little off, Rena was happy enough to lead them to their meeting point. The young cat seemed happy enough as it walked next to her, picking it's singing up again, though this time it was another tune. In the distance her friends could be seen and they called out to her. Rena smiled, turning to her companion to tell them, they were almost there. The kitten started singing.

"Little bird you are caught."

Rena's eyes widened as the kitten's head turned towards her.

"In this cage you will hang."

The other rookies called her, but she couldn't look away.

"Here you'll stay, here you'll stay."

Moonlight fell between the leaves above and Rena gasped as the kitten temporarily turned transluscent. In a whisper it continued:

"Sweet birdie, here'll you'll stay."

Rena was never seen again, the other rookies reporting the she-cat dissappearing from sight. Once in awhile it's said you can here a bird sing and a voice will carry between the trees.

"Why do you keep me caught?
I don't want to hang in this cage
I won't stay, I won't stay
I'd rather fly far away."

Hnng, I'm tired, but this needed entries, so here you go. It isn't very scary at all thoug xD

The "Little bird you are caught" is a translation of an old dutch nursery song. Nursery songs are creepy.

Pan and story | Mine
Alouette and Vogeltje gij zijt gevangen are old nursery rhymes/songs
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