
TBS | Cure my worries

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Pan frowned as he carefully sat in the entrance of the healers' den, just outside their field of vision. They were buzzy so they hadn't noticed him as he peered around the corner, watching them as they worked. He felt pride, seeing his sister attending to one of their region mates, helping them with one ailment or another. She was really was giving to the region, unlike him who was still a tamer rookie and a particularly bad one at that. He wished he could be at least of some assistance with everything going on around them. But he wasn't and it made him feel bad.

His eyes rested on Olive, thinking the she-cat was strong. And to think he had once thought so little of her. On Cohen's trial he had been close to throwing the male out. What he had done was unforgivable after all. At least, that's what he had thought at first. Olive's words had gotten through to him. His sister, ever kind, spoke truth. They would have been no better if the trial had ended differently and Cohen would have been cast out. Despite the favourable outcome however, Pan still felt shaken. There was just too much going on at once. The reveal of their origin, the weather, the followers and now the raid of the region's kittens. It all piled up and Pan didn't know what to do. He tried his best to keep up, to focus on the positive but it was as if he was spinning too fast while trying to catch his own tail. He was getting dizzy and ready to fall. He had come to the healer's den to put a stop to it all. He had started to wonder if maybe he was ill and needed medication. He personally disliked the den strongly, not liking sickness and injury. Almost worse was the medicine they kept there. Not of it tasted good. At all. Right now however, watching like this gave him a sort of calm. Not a complete one, but it helped him order his thoughts. He pegged it as Olive having a healing and calming aura about her, not sure what else it would be. He yawned, flexing his paws over the ground, wondering how long it would take to finish working. He decided he'd talk to her when she was finished. Olive could work her healing magic on him and make everything go away.

408 words | +40 Gems and + 5 AP</a>
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