
TBS - Activity check Panthaleon - Border patrol

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Pan shivered as he plowed through the thick snow. This was not fun. The weather had been doable before, well, kind off, but since it had gotten worse even Pan was reluctant to go outside. He didn’t believe any cat in their right mind would go outside in this searing cold.  The wind whipped harshly through his fur, making that his coat did little good to protect him and the snow that melted as it came in contact with the warmth of his body soaked into his fur making it seem as if the icy water seeped right into his bones. A huff escaped him, a white puff of smoke escaping from his lips with it. This was indeed no fun, but hadn’t his father mentioned something about picking those who were brave? He tilted his head up to peer through the falling snow at the figure off Rowan, his guide. He wanted to believe his father had meant he was one of those brave cats, but at the same time he wondered if he was only sent because he was the rookie of his guide. He shook his head trying to get rid of both his thoughts and the snow that was blown into his face. He’d rather not think about it. Instead he made himself look around, his eyes roaming over the side of the border. If any cat was out there he had to make sure they were seen and taken with them. Squaring himself against the weather, he concentrated fully on that purpose, letting go off bodily discomforts and distracting thoughts. He had a task to fulfill after all.

I swear I get sick at the most inconvenient times. But here you go: 273 words
Headaches aren't helping any, but it's not going away, so I decided to write instead of draw. :')
Do we get gemstones for checks or not?

Panthaleon and useless story belong to me
© 2014 - 2024 moonlightwalk
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