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SA | Vagabond | Sergeant | Renata




25/09/2019 - Rank change & breed redcon; history catch up coming soon
18/08/2017 - Re-done application; Added Theseus & Changed husband back story

.:: Basic Information ::.

Name || Renata
Nicknames ||
Age || 46 (Born early winter; 1654)
Sign || The quotoki
Sex || Female
Gender || Female

Herd || Vagabond
Rank || Flock Seargant
Previous rank(s) || The flock
Home || The Aerie
Patron god(s) || Cascade & Alya

Talent(s) || Potion master
Blessing(s) || Clairvoyance

.:: Appearance ::.

Species || Pegasus
Breed(s) || Friesian x Barb
Color || Smoky Black Dun
Height || 165 cm (16.1 hh)
Weight || 658 kg (1450 lbs)

Renata is a powerful built mare who's body is set to the style of our modern day 'baroque' type friesians. She has a defined curved neck and a pronounced jawline. Her mane are long and kept in good condition. Streaks of white can be found in the black tresses. Overall Renata tries to keep in good condition, valuing health. She's not nearly as muscled as battle trained horses of the same stature though. In terms of accessories she only keeps her wedding band on her. She has quite a simple taste when it comes to other things she wears and more often than not keeps forgoes them as she feels not like she should waste the flock's resources. Some in the flock might consider Rena one of the older one's but it's not something she'll have said about herself. Her movements are anything but rusty and she moves quite nimbly. Her voice is calm and slightly deeper in tone than most females. Her voice gets raspy when upset.

Accessories ||
  • Lantern - Used in the dark
  • Marriage band - A golden band with inlaid pearl; always worn
  • Flowers - Worn on special occasions [LOCKED]

.:: Personality ::.

Loyal Steadfast Hardworking Daring Scrupulous Insightful Soft Subdued
Prejudiced Dissonant Solemn Possessive Touchy Inhibited

Loyal - Steadfast - Hardworking   ||
If anything Renata is a dedicated mare. Once she devotes herself to something or someone, she'll give things her all. This loyalty allows her to sometimes shut an eye on others' bad qualities, even if she thinks what they are doing is wrong. When working for a cause, Rena is driven and one of the best you can wish for. She'll work hard with little consideration for her own well-being. She'll go above and beyond, just to make sure the goal is reached.

Daring - Scrupulous - Insightful ||
Unthinking is something Renata is not. She is quite the clever horse, quick to pick up on things and to see things where others do not. She also has a sense of justice and has the compulsion to always do what's morally correct. Keep in mind this does not fall in line what other's think is correct, but is based on her own moral compass. This compulsiveness to act justly and fair, gives her a sort of bravery that makes her daring enough to speak up and step out of line when she thinks it is needed.

Soft - Subdued - Sensual ||
A born caregiver, Renata is soft at heart. Other's suffering strikes her deeply and she cannot stand standing by and doing nothing. Though this gives her compassion, it also makes her easy to hurt. Due to this Renata has come to be very subdued in nature, moving around with a sort of quiet. She does not generally express herself with intense displays of emotions, keeping a sort of veil over it all and not showing what's simmering behind it. This does mean she's detached or unemotional, she just shows her feelings with restraint and keeps an eerie, sometimes false calm. In her way of feeling, Renate relies very much on her senses. Touch, smell, sight can bring great pleasure to her or can be absolute torture. It shows in her tastes as well as how she interacts with others, small psychical and comforting touches important in her relationships.

Prejudiced - Dissonant - Solemn ||
Least to say, Renata is not very fond of Talori's leaders and officials, loathing their discrimination towards their species as well other unfortunate souls. Their behaviour is unforgivable and so is that of those that willingly follow their system. It shouldn't bother her, this war they are plotting against these traitors of what's right. Yet somewhere, deep within herself, something is squirming. The morality of her own actions, the sacrifices their crusade will bring. It gnaws at her and her conscience. But Talori is their enemy. Such is the fact and she solemnly has committed herself to it. That little spark of unease, she has pushed far back into her mind and the sad reality of what's to come is taken as it is. A necessary evil so Perseus may lead them them to a brighter future.

Possessive - Touchy - Inhibited ||
The past has left its mark on near all of Freedom's flight's horses and so did it on Renata. Having abandoned everything she had and having lost two horses precious to her in the process, Rena has become rather possessive of those around her. She doesn't want others to take them away, making her sometimes distrustful of those who try and wriggle themselves into her own new little family. Any new recruit that meets her is subject to her scrutiny. Though repressed, she can't completely get rid of the dissonance inside herself, making her quite touchy about horses questioning anything about her actions. It would be easy for her to lash out in such moments. Lastly a horse can leave Talori, but Talori never truly leaves a horse. Years of herd life and behaving a certain way still shows in Renata's behaviour. Marriage for example is still sacred to her and she's still inhibited when it comes to acting on her attraction towards females. Public displays of romantic affection causes her to averse her eyes and so on. Sometimes she catches herself on it, cursing the behaviour, but more often than not it is unconscious, pure habit that holds her back in things.

.:: History ::.

[-| Bulletpoint version |-]

  • 0: Born in Talori herd (1654; Early winter)
  • 0-10: Is raised under traditional Talorian views (1654-1664)
  • 10: Witnesses her first sacrifice, the sacrifice acts up and drags the divine to her death (1664)
  • 10-16 : Slowly grows into a mare. Studies as a cleric (1664-1670)
  • 16: Graduates as cleric (1670)
  • 17: Is married off to Kanaloa (1671)
  • 19: Renata gives birth to her first child Izel (1673)
  • 20: Renata becomes pregnant again and Theseus is born; She flees the her with her mentor and son (1674)
  • 20-24: Slowly adapts to life outside the herd, together with other outsiders the seed of rebellion sparks (1674-1678)
  • 24: Helps saving Perseus after his fall from Pegasus' leap (1678)
  • 24-46: The flight slowly takes its form. Renata provides her services as brewer and medic (1678-1700)
  • 46:  The flight takes over Talori herd, Renata is upset by the many deaths (Summer 1700)

[-| Pre-group history |-]

As a Foal||
I was born a Talori horse. I was cursed, though I didn't know so at the time, born a pegasus between my father Silas and my mother Kaui. My father was a pegasus, but my mother a regular horse. Still she dropped me. Wings in that herd are a curse, I would learn, but not yet. At the time I was born in Cascade's so-called loving embrace and raised to believe she loved us all. My mother and father were not bad souls. And though I suspect their relationship was not one that came from passion, married off to each other like so many other in Talori herd, they treated me and each other with kindness. Their kindness however, did not prompt them to doubt Talori's ways of life and I was raised to be a proper herd member, conforming to every rule and stigma the herd laid upon me. As mare I had to be kind and gentle, as pegasus I were not to stare into the eyes of those above me. Sure I questioned why once or twice, mere childish curiosity, but my parents told me that was how things were and that was that. And I  accepted that, knowing no better. After all everyone did, why would I a mere foal expect things to be faulty? It was with that naivety I gobbled up the tales of the sacrifices. An honour, oh so big for any pegasus to be bestowed on you. Death was a foreign concept to me at the time. Life and death things I didn't truly understand. I had never lost anyone and never seen the life drain out of a horse's body. It wasn't hard to imagine I did not feel graveness when the word reached my ears. They told me with a smile how it was a blessing on Cascade's part, taking the pegasus and transforming them into a beautiful hippocampus. It did sound like magic back then, the way they told me. Now however I doubt if they ever believed so in their hearts. Mother now myself, I can phantom they were merely trying to make harsh reality more bearable for their child.

I wouldn't see my first sacrifice until I was 10 years old. Before that my parents had always held me on the sidelines, one of the reasons I suspect their preaching didn't resound with themselves. Eventually I had to see however and the year of my tenth birthday seemed to have been the turning point. My mother had told me the day before how there would be feasting, the blessed horse taken through town. Of course I knew so, even though I hadn't gone to the actual offerings, it was hard to miss the festivities all around. My father ensured me the horse would be happy to be chosen. And had it been any other sacrifice, I might have believed it. That year things went different. It was 1664 and the sacrifice at the time must not have been drugged well enough. She broke free and in hysterics she slipped, tumbling into the waters below, but not without taking the current divine with her. It was nothing like I had been told or had imagined and even though we were ushered back to our homes, told everything was al right, the horrific experience would stick with me years to come. Was this death? The thing the horse had so clearly feared? To be one moment and then be gone? And if that was death then what did life mean? It were some of the many questions that floated through my head as we revisited the scene, standing amongst many to throw pearls in the sea for our precious divine. How come one death was mourned while the other was cheered on? How come wings did make so much of a difference?

Later that year another important concept came to me. It was mere months after the divine fell to her death that she returned to us. A filly younger than I, took her place to train amongst officials and she would one day guide us again. Aquore rejoiced but I was confused. Didn't the divine die? "Ah, sweet, this is Cascade's greatness. Upon death you will be born again and again. Death is not permanent. That is why we do not fear it. Our divine has been our divine for ages past and she will return for ages to come, no matter how many lives that takes." Reincarnation. The idea a horse will be born over and over. It was something I had heard about before, whispers of my newborn niece being my grandmother, but I had never delved into it. One lives and one dies, only to live again. Then why had the sacrifice seemed so scared of dying? It was a thought I took into my teenage life and I wondered: had I lived before?

Teenager ||
My teenage years were challenging as I slowly developed into not only an adult, but also was awakened as sexual being. I soon discovered I didn't quite match the herd's stigma when it came to attraction, my eye caught not only by stallions, though attractive themselves, but also by mares. It was a rebellious phase to my parents in which I went out with a mare or two, but they shut their eyes for it, seeing it as experimental and soothed with the knowledge I also fooled around with stallions. It was nothing serious. When time was ripe I took up apprenticeship under a mare named Isis. I had always wanted to be a cleric, helping those who needed it, caring for them. It was a job that spoke to my soul, so I gave it all I got. I soon discovered even here I was restricted though, my pegasus heritage getting the better of me. The best of places one can let their patients reside is Kiephis, a city so soothing it is said to speed up recovery incredibly. A city forbidden to my kind. I saw more than one patient being passed on to another cleric by Isis, a pegasus herself, knowing they would be better off in the city we could not set foot in. And we helped more than one pegasus recover so slowly, knowing also they would have benefited from the place. Yet Isis never wavered. Even if a life slipped through our hands and I wondered if maybe  mysterious Khiepis could have saved them, she never allowed me to wallow too long. "A cleric can only do what's best for their patient whether that is passing them on or providing the best care we can, even if that means letting them go gently." Even as she told me this, I could see the torture in her eyes. One live and one dies to live again, but seeing this game of death and life so close-by I started to wonder if the fact we would live again made our currents lives any less valuable. After all if death was nothing, why did we as clerics battle it so hard? If death was just a new start, then why were the dead mourned?

Time passed on and Isis thought me much. And as time passed, many more sacrifices fell. In a form of torture one inflicts upon themselves, I made myself sit through every single one of them. With a certain sense of morbidity I watched every single moment up until their deaths. It was impossible to avert my eyes, even though I wanted to so many times. And every of those nights I would fall asleep and for weeks after nightmares would plague my mind. For one who fights death, seeing one forfeited so willingly is torture. Even under the sweet promise of Cascade taking them, it felt wrong. I felt myself fall in those dreams, deeper and deeper until the sea ripped me apart, but the Sea Goddess was not there to sooth me and I woke up in cold sweat. Slowly but surely my faith in the gods declined. If Cascade was so loving why did she not value the life of all? And Ayla, why did she not protect her children? And Kaia and Argus, even Ignacio? Why did nobody stop this horror? I felt abandoned, but I told nobody. I was still my parents' good daughter, a wonderful member of the herd. In the meantime I had become a full-fledged cleric and I did not wish to disappoint them. It was under that ruse I accepted the fiancée they proposed to me when I turned 17, my years of
rebellion left behind me to conform to my parents wishes. His name was Kanaloa and he was a kind hippocampus stallion. I had treated him on occasion from the wounds he suffered on his duty as a guard and he had seemed to have taken a liking to me. Though he was older than me, he had a charm about him that was hard to dislike. My parents were kind so they picked him for making a good husband, not because of wealth or status. He too was a gentle horse and though there was no romance between us, we accepted our fates with grace. The wedding is probably one of my few precious memories of herd life in Talori. My family and his rejoiced so it was hard not to smile at their happiness, even though none of it was my choice. It was a day of celebration in which Kanaloa and I exchanged our vows and bands, our marriage blessed by the divine and our lives intertwined for eternity. And for a while I was actually happy.

Adult ||
Isis had never had a foal of her own, the mare considered barren. It was she who treated me for my nightmares when the sacrifices came around, having noticed my drop in health around the time years ago. When she had approached me one day I had broken down and cried, cried so much and confessed everything that tortured me. The second I did I had feared it was a mistake. To speak ill of the herd and even more so Cascade was not done and it might well been a reason to be thrown into jail. Isis too suffered though, so instead of turning me in to authority, she took me more under her wing, filling me with words of hope and courage. Even though I grew to be an adult, I continued to work with her, now her partner instead of pupil and she treated me like the daughter she never had. With her I felt safe and understood like no other horse made me feel and it was her I turned to when I first fell pregnant. Kanaloa and I had decided upon a foal. I had always wanted children and it turned out he did too, so we tried and made it work. My belly swelled with his child and I was happy, so happy for soon my creation, our creation would walk this world. I was happy, yet I was also very afraid for when I stood to watch yet another sacrifice, I felt myself silently praying that my baby would not turn out like me. Let them be a unicorn, a foal like its father. But I was cursed and I passed on that curse to my daughter. I knew it the moment Isis looked me in the eyes, happy yet with an underlying sadness. "It's a girl," she said. And yes, there beside me laid my daughter, so much like her father, yet so much like me, her little wings lying tenderly folded against her sides. I cried, happy for the life that was born and sad for the death that lurked behind the corner. When Kanaloa arrived, he was beyond himself, smiling, so proud of the daughter we created, saying how much she looked like me. He didn't seem to mind her wings the way I did and his smile made me smile as well. "How shall we call our precious daughter?" he asked as he tenderly caressed her little head, ignoring the tears that still escaped my eyes. "Izel," I breathed, smiling watery at both him and my mentor. "Sounds a bit like Isis, doesn't it?" he said knowingly. I nodded still smiling. "She brought her onto this world after all." They laughed, accepting my choice. This was one of the last precious moments I would have in that herd.

Becoming a mother changes you. Your own life becomes irrelevant in light of your child's. You want them to grow, to become happy, you want to see them smile above all. Yet I couldn't. I tried to keep her shielded from the herd's cruel rituals as much as I could. One time she asked and I heard Kanaloa talk to her about the sacrifices. I stormed off, not wanting to listen as he no doubt told her about the honour of it all. I seethed but what could I do? Tell the child such horrific things? My soft heart could not. It ate away at me slowly, but surely. My breaking point came when I had our second child.

Kanaloa had insisted. Like many Talorians he wanted a big family and I didn't want to deny him that. I wanted a big family myself. This time it was a son. Kane had chosen his name, Theseus. Yet again wings rested on the flanks of a child of mine. I just couldn't.

Life went downhill after that. The fear from before became ten times worse. The same question repeated itself over and over in my head: what if one of my children was next? The next sacrifice drew near and I couldn't take it. It was twice the risk of lost, now both Izel and Theseus at stake. The fear was all consuming. What if it was Izel's name that was drawn? Theseus' body to plunge into the sea? I tried telling myself that they were safe; They wouldn't take a mere child. But then again, was not everyone's name included? And what about when they grew older? No matter what age, I could never bear to see them go. My job as cleric I had abandoned. The thought that every moment with Izel, and after that Theseus, could be our last made me take up the job of brewer so I could stay at home with them. I still focused on healing though and started to delve deeper into the art of making medicine, applying all my knowledge as cleric to do so and using any information I could get my hands on to learn more. It got me running for awhile, but as said I was at my breaking point and it was Isis who made me crack. She too could no longer stand things and though she never spoke to me of why, she planted the seed of rebellion in me. "Let's run," she told me one time, "let's cast this all aside." I thought she was joking, but her eyes were death serious. I felt myself nodding, the insane plan finding root in my mind. I had to run, I had to leave this all behind. For their sake. There was one problem though: Kanaloa. He would never leave the herd, not even for us. He loved Talori and he lived by its laws. Never once had I heard him question the treatment pegasi received. I couldn't just sneak out either. He'd stop us or he'd track us down. No, we needed a plan. Something more permanent. We needed to disappear.

We staged it gradually. Isis hired some rogues to cause a distraction. She suggested I leave a shawl as 'evidence' so they'd accept it as a lost cause. It felt so wrong, but there was no other way. If I had to choose, I'd choose for a future in which my children would live. That was our first real loss, mine and my children's. I had loved him my Kanaloa. Though not romantically, I had loved him dearly and so it hurt to leave him like that.

It was on the night before the next name drawing, we took our leave. Isis was coming with me, so I felt not completely alone. It was in that wicked moment of betrayal that it occurred to me I was leaving my family not behind, but taking them with me. Not my mother or my father, not the nieces and nephews that never really cared for me, but Isis, the mare who understood me, and Izel and Theseus, my precious children. They were my family, not the hollow horses I was running from. Only Kane, Kane I regretted. But it was what it was. Of course we were scared, The kids the most of all. I hadn't warned them beforehand, waking them in the middle of the night as we made our escape under the cover of darkness. They were still so young as I took the comfort of herd life away from them. I told both some tale or another, to keep them going. I can't say I remember what exactly, it was in the heat of the moment, my only goal to get away safely.

It was quite the adaptation. We had no real trade here, needing to live from the land. No comfortable beds or shelter. We had to watch our backs for horse and predator alike. It was hard and I'm sure Izel and Theseus were angry at me, having taken them away from their friends, from their toys. Ah, how could a foal understand that it was all for their own good? We were not alone however and Isis introduced us to Cualli and Drest. They were about my age, Isis the oldest of us all. They too had had it with Talori's ways and mere opportune collaboration to stay alive soon turned into whispered meetings of rebellion. Save a fallen. Apparently Cualli had been hoping one would survive, so we hatched a plan. Cualli would wait at the bottom of the peak, waiting to safe whoever that hit the bottom still alive. We would wait at the edge in the wild, ready to assist in whatever way necessary. It was crazy, but it fuelled our lives that had turned bleak after leaving the herd behind. Something so forbidden, no Talori would ever expect us to try. It was something that made me smile with glee at night. To snatch a life from the death they wished for, to give them a second lease on life. It had been my hidden desire as I hopelessly stood by to watch as time and time again a pegasus found their death on that cliff. This was our goal.

It took longer than expected, the poor pegasi often death before Cualli could reach them. But we didn't loose faith and so it was that, when Perseus fell, Cualli lay there to catch him. He had fought, I had heard later. He was different. It was like history repeated itself, the sacrifice acting up like the one I first saw. I was doing things right and this was a sign, a second chance. We met him, so battered and broken, but alive and together we healed him up and ran. This was our victory, the first step in our stand against the herd. The barrier mountains became our new home, our little group had become my new family. It was there a cruel reality came crashing into me. Izel asked about her dad. I had been so out of it, so caught up, and had not noticed my little girl had not quite caughed on that her papa was not coming as well. I don't know why, but I lied. Said he died. It was wrong, but it gave her finality and so I found myself repeating the same lie to her brother. Izel took to sitting in trees. It hurt to see my baby like this, but there was little I could do but offer support. Theseus did his own thing. Time moved on and they slowly adapted, growing older and beginning to understand why all of this was happening. I took them aside, admittingly maybe too late when we were so deep in, but I needed them to understand. Why we ran, why I robbed their of their life in the herd. Sadly they understood too well, so when an inside horse was needed, my sweet Izel volunteered. Of course I objected. This had been all to protect her! And now she was gonna go throw herself back in danger?! My words fell on deaf ears however and my brave Izel went to serve at the enemy's front. Her father's heart must live in her, risking her live for the greater good. I was angry at first, at her and my friends. But then reason tempered my upset heart. This is what we had chosen for and Izel had now chosen for herself, I ought to be proud. Also Theseus found his place in the cause. They were both raised by its ideals after all. As years passed our group grew. More disgruntled tortured souls, horses who believed our cause was just. What had started as a small act of rebellion had grown to something that was so much more. Perseus was a beacon, a symbol in what became a soon to be war against the injustices against our kind. Isis did not see to live this day, her age having her pass away. "Maybe we'll meet in my next live." I was surprised she would say such thing. I had started to doubt we were still reborn, no matter what I was told, no matter what Kanaloa had said, bound in this life and the next. I couldn't help but answer that I'd be happy to see her again. I took one of her pearls and had Drest mesh it with my and Kanaloa's leg band. That way when we lead our kind into freedom, she could still be somewhat there.

Our preparations were reaching it's climax, our numbers bigger than ever before. Though we stood at the edge of a new dawn, I sometimes feared for my family. I could see how hate had consumed Perseus, his need for vengeance going beyond Talori officials, but now directed to a herd as a whole, a species as a whole. Dare I say I feared, feared we would end up doing the very same thing we are fighting against. Drowning some horses to keep some from burning, condemning one species to seek justice for another. We needed freedom, but were would we draw the line? I was sure time would bring the answer and I could only hope my friends, my family would know which route to take. I believed Perseus would lead us towards a brighter future and we woukd be there to assist him every step of the way. When you create life, you are responsible for it, not? When you safe it, you are too. Then one of our has came to us with news, so unfathomable, so grave, it broke my heart hearing it. A child, a mere child, those monsters sacrificed. I knew that moment even clearer than before that I had been right to run when we did. And that day I cried in the privacy of my chamber, tears of sadness, but also relief, for if we had stayed perhaps it would have been my Izel or my Theseus that plunged off that rock at such young age.

[-| Group history|-]

Chapter II (Spring 1700)

After Perseus called them together to announce they entered the final stage, Renata was send off alongside Drest and Oriole to make a deal with some rogues to get medicinal and blacksmithing ingredients. She anxiously awaited and prepared for the day of their strike.

Chapter III (Summer 1700)

After long years, the flock finally rained down on Talori herd and succesfully threw it over. Though Cascade had just before reached out to her and answered her desperate prayers by blessing her with Clairvoyance, she could not forsee the gravity of the ensuing fight. Renata, did her best to keep casualties at a minimum, but was appaled by the loses taken on both sides. With many Talorians outright refusing medical help and others dying at her families hooves, Renata felt the blood that clung to her hooves heavily. Despite it all, she tried to keep herself convinced of it neccisity. They had not done more than was needed

Chapter IV (Fall 1700)

But then one of them did do more... TBA

.:: Relationships ::.

[-| Family |-]

Mother || Kaui
Father || Silas
Siblings || None 

Significant other || -
Offspring || Izel & Theseus

Grandmother(s) || Somewhere prob
Grandfather(s) || I mean there must be

Aunt(s) & Uncle(s) || -
Newphew(s) & Niece(s) || -

[-| General |-]

Renata's relationships can be found on her relationships tracker .
If you are interested in having a particular (pre-RP) relationship with her, note me or drop a comment here.
Particular relationships I'm looking as well existing characters tied to her for adoption for can be found in this journal .

[-| Romantic |-]

Orientation || Bisexual
Relationship status || Single
Open to ||
( x ) Long term relationship
( x ) Short term relationship
( x ) Open relationship
( x ) Quick fling
( ✔ ) Unsure - Rena feels like she'd be cheating on her marriage which technically was never disbanded. She needs longterm love though.

Preferences ||
( ✔ ) Hold meaningful conversation
( ✔ ) Take pride in yourself and what you do
( ✔ ) Be kind & considerate
( ✔ ) Earn her trust
( x ) Be dishonest
( x ) Act overly dominant or submissive to her
( x ) Try to rush her
( x ) Do anything bad to her family

.:: Additional information ::.

  [-| Views & Beliefs |-]

The gods || Renata has taken her blessing as a sign and prays to Cascade. The other gods she pays her respects to, but Cascade is again her patron god.

Stigma || Talorian stigma still lingers in the back of Renata's mind. She tries to ingore any attraction she feels to mares, a habit that came from living in Talori. She also still feels held back to starting any new relationships in the flock. Though she didn't love Kanaloa romantically, hebwas bound to her in marriage, a sacred institution. Despite persobally keeping to these, she has abbandoned the idea that most of these believes are just though. Except marriage maybe. Just like any good flock member though she supports the cause and wants to make an end to pegasus oppression. 

Other herds || Renata is only ever been in contact with Talori and still harbours Talorian distrust against any outsiders. She's likely to scrutinize anyone making their way in the flock if she meets them. She sees as modt horses in Talori herd to be misguided if not outright at fault and their rogues she finds to be shady.

  [-| Other|-]

Likes || The smell of fresh herbs, brisk morning walks, the quiet hum of talking, smiles, nice sensations, ...
Dislikes || Uncertainty, immorality, others' suffering, unpleasant sensations, camp, ...

Drive || Justice & Protection
Goals in life ||
[x] To see Talori herd overthrown
[ ] To see the sacrifices put to a stop
[ ] To expand her knowledge as far as possible
[ ] To see Izel and Theseus grow up happy
[ ] To convince Talorians of their worngs and change history
[ ] To have grandchildren

Facts ||
  • Has a thing for horses' eyes. She believes it shows a horse true feelings and intention. She says nothing can affect her as deeply as a look and this is often true.

  • Is conflicted about the line between justice and crime. They are walking the fine line.

  • Still wears the bracelet she exchanged with Kanaloa on their wedding. It's like a friendship bracelet she can't get rid off.

  • Her possessiveness shows most clearly in her mental (and sometimes out loud) use of the word 'my'. It's my daughter, my Izel, my Theseus, my Isis, my friend, my comrade, my group, my family. Everything that's 'we' also has a feeling of 'mine' to her.

  • She isn't quite as sure who to hate and who to punish. Finding it difficult to play judge herself, but she follows believing he can show them the right way or at the very least hoping he can. Violence and aggression are just very difficult for her, but she will do what she needs to for the sake of doing what's right.

.:: Roleplay Information ::.

[Time zone]  UTC/GMT +1/+2*
 * Please note that my country works with summer/winter time. For the exact time please check this website

[Role play availability]
Bullet; Green Notes: Preferred
Bullet; Green  Forum: Extra earnings, yay! - Poke me if I forget for a bit
Bullet; Yellow Comments: Depends*
Bullet; Orange Google docs: I tend to forget it exists, doesn't work to well with my phone and I have no idea how to make one myself
Bullet; Orange Skype: Idem as with docs. I'm willing to try if you poke me at times though!
Bullet; Red Chat: Can't work with that, sorry
*maybe if provided with an artwork/journal specifically for the RP or for group Rp's

[Maturity level ] I'd like to be able to submit things in the group. A heads-up before pulling anything would be appreciated.

[Roleplay Example]
Taken from Starborn-Alignment

Leonardo looked on in amazement as the young Aodhian monarch spoke, presenting their herd with the legendary creatures of which he had only heard in tales and books. He turned away from the food stand, trying to get a better look, thinking the stall keeper would surely hand over the food to Ciel. Their king spoke, accepting the gift and filling Leon with thrill. This. This was it, no doubt. The start of peace, a moment that would go down into history and he was privileged enough to attend it. But it all ended in a moment. Gone was the excitement, replaced by confusion and just the slightest bit of panic as an ear deafening boom resounded and a bright light blinded him. It took a couple of moments for both his sight and hearing to return and by the time it did, horses were already pushing and screaming, panic taking hold of the crowd in the explosion's aftermath. Leon tried to keep his place, but was inadvertently swept away by the crowd, separating him from Ciel. He vehemently prayed the stallion would be all right in his current state. He took note of the pygmy dragons, who had escaped in the commotion, and the crumbled building, trying to make sense of what had just happened. A sense of panic again clawed at his heart, seeing the damage done by the explosion and he asked Argus to make sure that please no horse got hurt. He willed himself to stay calm, knowing panic would only make the situation worse. Looking around to see if he could find his old men, his eye fell on something else. A shadow between the nearby buildings, moving about in an awfully suspicious matter. His skin prickled as his eyes locked onto it, feeling himself moving forward. Something was off and as he steeled himself to push into its direction, his curiosity whispered for him to find out what was up.


Renata & Full body (c) me
Design & headshot (c) queerly
Reference sheet belongs to the group Starborn-Alignment
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Ebbarie's avatar
Othala *blinks* Öhm do you...have a new...haircut or something?...