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+1 AP (422 words) and 3 FVR & 5 CS | For Lilliana
Lillana lay between the grassy hills of the plains that stretched over Sirith's land. Sirius lay tucked in besides her, already vast asleep. The mare softle moved his main with her mind, gently stroking it out of his face. He looked so fragile when alseep, so young. She hoped he'd never loose that innocence. How did she wish she had not needed to take those two early years of him back then. But alas, what done was done and however much she wished, she knew of no magic that could turn back time and make one young again. She just hoped he'd be her little boy for as long as possible. She turned her attention to the stars, once again revelling in their vastness. Surely these endless sky and countless stars reflected the endless magic in their world, with so many hidden, so much unseen unless you looked for it. It was loke a blanket that covered them, ever soothing and protecting them. Even though it changed, day to night, night to day, season to season and year tor year, it always had it's cycles. It was always there. To Lilliana it was a constant in life. And this gave a feeling of security like nothing else in life. No matter where she moved, no matter how far she went, there would always be the sky. Strong, vast and soothing. Even in Breim, deep within the ground it were the few skylights that made life all the brighter. Though she enjoyed the cities of Sirith, she always was glad when she came above ground again, being able to walk and breed in the wide open air.
A flash caught her eye, her attention drawn back outwards. What was that? Another flash and this time she was able to deduct it's origin. A falling star. Oh, she loved falling stars, often making wishes upon them. Before she could prepare to make her wish know however another one shot by followed by another and another. With twinkling eyes she saw the stars decent, one by one, as if they were a school of fish, swimming by in the sea that was the sky. How wonderful. She wondered how many horses would be watching this. Maybe her family would watch too. She imagined hundreds and thousands of wishes being made, slowly tapping into the magic of the world. She smiled eyes resting on Sirius. "I wish," she whispered. "you to never loose your wonder." Sirius woke up and watched until his eyes drooped close
Almost forgot to post this, oops
Lilliana & story (c) me
Sirius (c) Hidden-Bubbles
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