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SA | Serora | Fury | Aranwen




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My boy is here to stir up some trouble x3
Thanks again for letting me adopt him~

[ Edits LOG]

09/02/2018 - History rewrite finished
09/08/2017 - Application finished

.:: Basic Information ::.

Name || Asher
Nicknames ||
Age || 30 (Born Late summer; 1670)
Sign || The griffin
Sex || Male
Gender || Male

Herd || Serora
Rank || Fury (apprentice)
--- Previous rank(s) || The folk
Home || Sedo
Patron god(s) || None

Talent || -
Blessing(s) || -

.:: Appearance ::.

Species || Pegasus (Great blue Turaco)
Breed(s) || Marwari x Akhal teke x TB
Color || Sooty buckskin minimal tobiano
Height || 163 cm (16 hh)
Weight || 450 kg (1000 lbs)

Asher is an sturdy yet elegantly build horse with a good amount of muscle to him. His fury training keeps him in good condition. Despite his rather average features, he seems to have an air about him that make other horses wary of him. His mane are worn short as this is easier to maintain in their dusty country. His most defining feature is the crest on his head which lowers and raises with his emotions. Despite his huge support for cultural displays, Ash doesn't like to dress up all formally. His taste in accessories is ever varying and hard to pinpoint and during the day he rather goes for function. If anything you'll see him wearing cloaks, shawls and/or masks. Asher's gait is often poised and he walks with knees going high up, giving him a certain air. Calm and serious are his default expressions while walking though he is quick to break into a smile when talking to someone. His voice is calm as well as deep, not needing to speak loudly. It is uncharacteristic to see him shout.

Accessories ||
  • Saddlebags - Adorned with stitches

.:: Personality ::.

Free-spirited • Calm • Wise • Tactless • Hardened • Sensitive

When first meeting Asher, most are often thrown off balance. He's the kind of horse that others would cross the street for because he just has that look about him. In reality he's not that bad at all. One could certainly describe him as rough around the edges, with a gruff kind of humor and a practical sense about things. He doesn't indulge in fantasies and takes life as it is. What's done is done, what will be, will be. You've got to work with what's in the now if you want to have any influence on the future. Logic is, according to Asher, often your best bet. Because of this he tries to stay calm and collected most of the time. He is inclined to act free-spirited, considering it best to stay positive in the face of life's hardships least they drag you down into a pit you cannot crawl out of. It seems like a good way of handling things, but it can easily become a façade to him, a true act, as he tries to ignore more negative feelings. He's the type to smile and say all is fine when a situation is grave. 

Despite his relatively young age, one could say Asher is seasoned. He has a kind of wisdom that is generally associated with old age, able to be surprisingly perceptive or insightful. Tactfulness to work with such insights however, he lacks. He is known to comment in a blunt way. There's little to no finesse in the way he handles things. 

Life, particularly life as a warrior, has hardened Ash in some ways. He is less likely to protest some more questionable decisions if made with eye on the greater good and believes life asks for sacrifices. He's willing to make the hard decisions and has steeled his heart to the unpleasant things life throws at him. This causes others to sometimes question his compassion or outright call him cruel. Whereas he has bolstered himself against life, Asher however stays quite sensitive when it comes to criticism of others. He is open to feedback but can easily be hurt if others pick on him, even when he tries not to show it.

.:: History ::.

[-| Bulletpoint version |-]

  • 1670; Late summer: Born in Serora herd (0)
  • 1670-1675: Grows up as any foal would (0-5)
  • 1675: His father leaves them. Not long after Adonis is born (5)
  • 1675-1684 : Spends his time as a foal, dividing his attention between his brother and friends (5-14)
  • 1684: His ceremony of the rising wind is a disaster. Asher unwillingly chooses to be a gatherer (14)
  • 1684-1700: Slowly moves from being a gatherer to being a jack-of-all-trades (14-30)
  • Summer-Fall 1700: Signs up as fury and starts training to help in the upcoming war (30)
  • Winter 1701: Asher is repulsed by the rumors that come back from Talori. His faith in the gods is completely lost. (30)

[-| Pre-group history |-]

As a Foal||

The first few years of his life had been nothing out of the ordinary. His mother carried him full-term and had a healthy foal. He grew and played like just about any other kid with a mother and a father. Asher remembered little of his father. The stallion was there of course, long enough to give live to both him and his brother, but Asher’s memories were murky at best. The first five years of his live he was something of a presence in Ash’s life but then but then the stallion had left due to reasons that were even in the present unclear to Asher. One day he was there and the next he wasn’t. It took the young foal a bit to realize that him leaving was final. First it was only the two of them, his mother and him, and little Asher stuck to her like his life depended on it. Somewhere in the back of his mind it occurred to him that she might leave him as well. A basic fear that was never voiced or fully understood by the foal. His mother however wasn’t going anywhere and it wouldn’t be the two of them very long.

His mother had been pregnant and Asher could only wonder as another little life came to the world. First he wasn’t sure what to make of this new foal making their way in his family. But his mother sweetly explained he was a big brother now and young Asher readily took to the role. With his father gone he somehow felt inclined to believe that he should be taking care of his sibling as well. As his mother left them to the caregivers and went to work, he hoovered by his side, always ready to entertain and look out for him. Of course Adonis was less than pleased, but he accepted that as one of the things a big brother needed to deal with.

In the meantime Asher began to gain a better understanding of ranks in the herd. He understood his mother was a councillor, but seeing how she was away from home often, he also considered such a job troublesome and undesirable. His interest was more so peaked by more free jobs, or at least what he considered free. They were however things of the future and Ash also knew that he would be lead to whatever rank was meant for him.

Teenager ||

The rank of caregiver, Asher never really took up, showing not much interest in other foals other than his brother and his friends. No, what Asher wanted was join adult life and after being sent around to get plenty of expierence, age fourteen was the age to pick. For Asher, his ceremony would be one of the worst experiences in his life. The at the time still colt could not pick. Despite the many trials, nothing felt quite right and when he stood there with the many expecting face of friends and family, his heart sunk to the bottom of his hooves. He asked Alya for guidance, a sign, but none came and he had to answer. He picked gatherer and was positively miserable doing so. But Ash smiled and with a straight face told them of how much he had enjoyed doing that job. A big fat lie, but of course his mother was proud and his friends excited enough. Asher figured he'd find out along the way what he was truly suited for.

Gathering in itself quickly became tedious. A thing that wore Asher out till he felt it deep within his bones and soul. He started volunteering to help other gatherers carry stuff, fix a broken saddle bag, babysit some child. Carry materials over to a planter, help that planter tend some plants. Bring those plants to a savior, helped serve the tea he brewed of herbs. As nomadic as their herd was in nature, Asher was in his jobs and soon he could no longer be considered a gatherer. He wasn't sure he could be considered anything at all anymore, but he helped where he could and for then it was almost enough. It ate at him though that he never had anything to master, nothing to stick to, nothing to make his family proud with. He tried seeking guidance in religion, asking Alya again for advice. There came no answer. He asked Kaia. He asked Cascade. Even Argus he turned to. Time went on and Asher lost hope of ever receiving an answer. With the gods Asher was less than impressed. He decided he had to make do by himself.

Life had its issues. His sibling had their own ceremony and found a job he loved. He seemed earnest in his love for it and Asher was slightly jealous of the fact they did have a calling. He coped and instead tried to be happy for him, searching for his own happiness. In his free time he started experimenting with other things, trying his hand at jobs of his friends with varying successes. He discovered that he was pretty good at making things with his telekinesis and managed to learn how to bake things his family and friends often pegged as way too sweet. It was not much, but it was something.

Adult ||
Somewhere along the line his sibling entrusted him with his feelings. Born a mare, but always having felt a male. Asher found no qualm, smiled and said: "Great, I always wanted a little brother." Perhaps not the most delicate way of handling things but complete acceptance no less. A bit later he'd change his name to Adonis, though Asher preferred Donny or Kit. 

Even as adult life felt like an endless thing. Work, sleep, work again. Free time here and there. He was perfectly capable of filling his own time, but it all felt empty. Having nothing better to do however and not even a clue on how to fill that emptiness, Asher continued with what he had always done. Nothing yet everything. It was only when drought struck the land that things changed. They were forced to hand vagabonds over to Aodh. Though the morals didn't sit too well with Asher, it was an easy pick. Us versus Them. He'd always pick their own survival. He was happy when they found the Oasis and could move on their own feet though. When the sultan refused to give over the colt, Asher wondered if the life of one was worth the life of hundreds as it was soon clear they would be marching to war. Maybe it was if it meant staying true to oneself. Maybe it wasn't as survival meant sacrifice. Whatever the truth, Asher decided it was perhaps time for change and he signed up to be trained as fury in this impeding war effort.

[-| Group history|-]

[ Chapter V ] 

*Didn't participate

Still too new to the furies, Asher was left behind in Sedo as his comrades left to fight someone else's battle. As his fellow herd mates gathered on the god's landing to together pray for Alya's return, Asher was buzzy doing some job or another, no interest in a goddess who had abandoned him. When he saw the sudden storm appear on the plateau he rushed over to ensure his family's safety, only to be met with stories of their goddess appearing. Angered, Asher stormed off again, done with the god's dramatics, considering them as fickle as any mortal horse. Even more so, if what they all said was true -and in all honestly, Asher wasn't beyond looking towards peyote as explanation- Alya had lost her form. These beings were not perfect, powerful perhaps, but nothing more. It changed his views on the gods completely. When their warriors returned from Talori, they came with prisoners and horrible rumors. Not only was Asher done with the gods but he was done with the way the world was run. Because apparently at all sides, peace was hard found and bad influences inevitable.

.:: Relationships ::.

[-| Family |-]

Mother || Eileen
Father || Unknown
Siblings || Adonis

Significant other || -
Offspring || -

Grandmother(s) || Somewhere prob
Grandfather(s) || I mean there must be

Aunt(s) & Uncle(s) || -
Newphew(s) & Niece(s) || -

[-| General |-]

Asher's relationships can be found on her relationships tracker [TBA].
If you are interested in having a particular (pre-RP) relationship with him, note me or drop a comment here.
Particular relationships I'm looking as well existing characters tied to her for adoption for can be found in this journal [TBA].

[-| Romantic |-]

Orientation || Bisexual
Relationship status || Single
Open to ||
( x ) Long term relationship
( x ) Short term relationship
( x ) Open relationship
( x ) Quick fling
( ✔ ) Unsure - Idk what he wants yet

Preferences ||
Who knows? I certainty don't

.:: Additional information ::.

  [-| Views & Beliefs |-]

The gods || Asher certainly believes there's gods, a hard to deny fact. Since his ceremony of the rising wind however, he has come to question their involvement and intentions with their world. He sees them as flawed. He considers their blessings useful, but also insanely dangerous when given to the wrong horses. He is done with other's blind faith in them and would rather see horses seek peace and harmony amongst each other. His faith is in equanity.

Stigma || What is stigma lol

Other herds || Asher is just done with the world tbh. Can someone fix world peace already?

  [-| Other|-]

Likes || Songs, stories, art, flying, crafting, aerial tricks, Sedo, Serora, baking
Dislikes || Formal wear, negative dislike, burned sweets, other herds giving them shit, living in the past

Drive || Equanity
Goals in life ||
[ ] To see the world find harmony
[ ] To protect his family
[ ] To bake the perfect sweet
[ ] To start a family of his own
[ ] To find his own path in life
[ ] To see horses move away from godly worship

Facts ||
  • Tends to give others nicknames
  • Has a sweet tooth
  • He also bakes sweets
  • Is actually decent in most domestic tasks
  • Good with his hands
  • Good liar though he prefers to be honest (which is questionable because he also sees keeping quiet as not lying)
  • Momma's boy
  • Paints kites in his free time
  • Wants to be a career maker like his lil' bro, but doesn't feel like 'it's him'

.:: Roleplay Information ::.

[Time zone]  UTC/GMT +1/+2*
 * Please note that my country works with summer/winter time. For the exact time please check this website

[Role play availability]
Bullet; Green Notes: Preferred
Bullet; Green  Forum: Extra earnings, yay! - Poke me if I forget for a bit
Bullet; Yellow Comments: Depends*
Bullet; Orange Google docs: I tend to forget it exists, doesn't work to well with my phone and I have no idea how to make one myself
Bullet; Orange Skype: Idem as with docs. I'm willing to try if you poke me at times though!
Bullet; Red Chat: Can't work with that, sorry
*maybe if provided with an artwork/journal specifically for the RP or for group Rp's

[Maturity level ] I'd like to be able to submit things in the group. A heads-up before pulling anything would be appreciated.

[Roleplay Example]
Taken from Starborn-Alignment

Leonardo looked on in amazement as the young Aodhian monarch spoke, presenting their herd with the legendary creatures of which he had only heard in tales and books. He turned away from the food stand, trying to get a better look, thinking the stall keeper would surely hand over the food to Ciel. Their king spoke, accepting the gift and filling Leon with thrill. This. This was it, no doubt. The start of peace, a moment that would go down into history and he was privileged enough to attend it. But it all ended in a moment. Gone was the excitement, replaced by confusion and just the slightest bit of panic as an ear deafening boom resounded and a bright light blinded him. It took a couple of moments for both his sight and hearing to return and by the time it did, horses were already pushing and screaming, panic taking hold of the crowd in the explosion's aftermath. Leon tried to keep his place, but was inadvertently swept away by the crowd, separating him from Ciel. He vehemently prayed the stallion would be all right in his current state. He took note of the pygmy dragons, who had escaped in the commotion, and the crumbled building, trying to make sense of what had just happened. A sense of panic again clawed at his heart, seeing the damage done by the explosion and he asked Argus to make sure that please no horse got hurt. He willed himself to stay calm, knowing panic would only make the situation worse. Looking around to see if he could find his old men, his eye fell on something else. A shadow between the nearby buildings, moving about in an awfully suspicious matter. His skin prickled as his eyes locked onto it, feeling himself moving forward. Something was off and as he steeled himself to push into its direction, his curiosity whispered for him to find out what was up.

Asher (c) me
Art (c) fynli 
Reference sheet belongs to the group Starborn-Alignment
Image size
2300x1294px 2.45 MB
© 2017 - 2024 moonlightwalk
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