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SA | Relationship tracker | Leonardo




Reference sheet || Astral Tracker || Relationship tracker

+3 CS | To Leonardo

Euhm, I'll do headshots later, just wanted this seperate somewhere.

If you are interested in having a particular relationship with him, note me or drop a comment here.
Particular relationships I'm looking as well existing characters tied to him for adoption for can be found in this journal


Bullet; Blue / Bullet; Blue Bullet; BlueBullet; BlueBullet; BlueBullet; Blue Acquainted / Familiar / Buddy
Bullet; Green / Bullet; GreenBullet; Green  Friends / Close Friends
Star! (Like) family
Bullet; Yellow Admires
Bullet; White / Bullet; WhiteBullet; White Neutral / Uncertain
Bullet; Orange / Bullet; OrangeBullet; Orange Want to know better / Like
Bullet; Pink / Bullet; PinkBullet; Pink / Bullet; PinkBullet; PinkBullet; Pink Attracted / Crush / Mate
Heart Love
Bullet; Black / Bullet; BlackBullet; Black / Bullet; BlackBullet; BlackBullet; Black Discomfort / Afraid of / Terrified
Bullet; Red /
Bullet; RedBullet; Red / Bullet; RedBullet; RedBullet; Red Would rather Avoid / Dislike / Hate
Death Dead/Missing

(Friends= automatically like)
(Like and Love isn't necessarily in a romantic way)

[-| Breim |-]

Sato - Adoptive father || Bullet; Yellow Heart Star! || Tie || NPC
Leonardo has spent whole his life with the stallion, being the only parental figure he’s ever known. Even now when he has officially moved out and is living on his own Sato has been making sure he is okay and taken care off. Leonardo considers his adoptive father a stubborn old man and quite often butts heads with him as their opinions tend to differ. You’ll notice he also refers to the stallion as this, the term ‘dad’ reserved for only special occasions. He is also quite annoyed at Sato always telling him what to do. Despite their differences however, Leonardo holds much respect for the stallion and would walk through fire and back to please him. He works hard to prove the worth of his research to his father and is often left disappointed when the older stallion belittles it. Besides this their relationship is rather strong, often ending up doing things together. Stallion also greatly appreciates the stallion for having taught him about life and you’ll find that some of Leon’s most prized possessions were gift from Sato himself.

Ciel - Friend || :bulletyellow: Bullet; GreenBullet; Green || Doctor || fossature 
Leonardo and Ciel met when they were still at school. Leonardo was having trouble in class and was rather closed off from other children his age. It’s then when Ciel stepped in, caring no two bits about the pegasus’ distant behavior and as a result Leonardo quickly came attached to him. Over the years the two stayed good friends, Ciel often found dragging Leonardo places and Leonardo trying to keep his friend out of trouble but more often than not ending up in it himself. In general Leon thinks of his friend as cookie but with a loving note attached to it. He greatly admires Ciel’s medical knowledge, knowing him to be rather smart, though he also has found him babbling nonsense at times. He used to correct it, but he’s become more lenient overtime, especially when it comes to Ciel’s more particular behavior Leon is known to close an eye.  

Athena Ergane - Business contact ||  :bulletyellow: Bullet; Blue Bullet; Orange  || Maker || SongsOfInfinity
Athena isn’t a horse Leon knows well, but he very much admires her work. Noticing the fact she used gems in her creation at times, Leon offered his assistance in providing advice in imbued ones. He’ll usually pass on new findings that may help with her works on to her, giving her the most up-to-date info in the field. Since he doesn’t fancy her creations to ware himself, he hopes to one day commission her for a piece he can put on display. Since he doesn’t know Athena all that well, his opinion of her isn’t all that elaborate. He overall has a general good feeling about her though. He feels like he can hold a proper conversation with her, not needing to simplify his explanation of things for her to keep up and her ambition for her art makes him want to know the mare better than he does now.

[-| Vagabonds |-]

Miku- mother || Bullet; White  Star! Death || Assumed vagabond || NPC
Miku isn’t a horse that Leonardo knows by face, only in name through the few stories his old man has told about her. Because of this he has little opinion about her. He respects the mare for giving life to him and delivering to Sato when she did, but that’s about it. Sato is considered his real parent.

[-| Talori |-]

Name - Relationship || feelings/thoughts  || rank || @nameofplayerhere

[-| Warforged |-]

Name - Relationship || feelings/thoughts  || rank || @nameofplayerhere

[-| Aodh |-]

Name - Relationship || feelings/thoughts  || rank || @nameofplayerhere

[-| Serora |-]

Name - Relationship || feelings/thoughts  || rank || @nameofplayerhere

Art by me
Starchart belongs to the group Starborn-Alignment
Image size
1009x1768px 440.59 KB
© 2016 - 2024 moonlightwalk
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