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7 AP (Shaded FB, Full BG & 618 words) | 4 AP for Amber and 3 AP for Leonardo

In a world full of people, how can one be so lonely? It was a question Leonardo had asked himself again and again. For months now he had been working in the city of Nariah, helping rebuilt what was lost to the fires. He had found happiness in such a job, knowing he was doing good. That he was contributing to the community. Making others smile had always been what brought his own smile about. Those months came and went and eventually there were less volunteers needed and Leonardo and his father had been able to return to Sirith. He had become excited, remembering his research and itching to start it all again. As they returned home however, it felt like home no more.

A layer of dust had settled over his house and he had spent his first hours home cleaning. His home was not the only area in his life that had become dusty however and that fact he was soon confronted with. Who he had called friends and had missed dearly responded luke warm to his return. A pat on the shoulder, not much more. Stories of what had happened while he was gone, new driven they started to follow. No questions of how he had been, what had happened in Nariah. When he returned home he felt little motivation for his research. Nor the day after. Or the day after that. Nobody came to check. The attention he had come to enjoy was gone. Was that friendship? Something so fleeting, they moved on without him in only a matter of months? He had deluded himself, had told himself his research was worth something because they looked upon it with wonder. But now without those eyes focused upon his work, he questioned it. What was he achieving, putting time in these magic filled stones? Insight he had gathered for sure, but to what end? He wasn't helping. Not like he wanted. Not like those months back in Nariah. He just spent his days sleeping, eating, thinking. Until his old man had had enough.

Leonardo had lost track of time. His father forcing himself to take care of himself wasn't unusual, but then usually it was because of his studies. It had been months now since his father last forced care upon him. There was yelling, a lot of it. Sato normally didn't yell, but then he did and for the first in a long time he saw his father looking scared. So he cried, a sobbing mess against his father's embrace as all his worries, thoughts and feelings spilled from his lips. And for a moment he was back to being a little boy, his father doing his best to hug the loneliness away.

"We're going back to Nariah."

Leonardo didn't protest, let his father take care of him. Let him take him away from where it hurt. The house was sold. It was strange as they made their way back. "You'll be staying with me for awhile." Leonardo didn't struggle. His father promised him he could always look for his own place later if he needed it. Leonardo didn't react.

It all felt so unreal. But in Nariah it felt like he could breath. Here there were still precious memories left. 

"What am I going to do now?"

Take your time, his old man had told him. For once not pushing his son into doing things the way he wanted. For the first time in weeks Leonardo could manage a smile again, albeit weak. He could make it through this, he could figure things out. He'd work his way from the bottom up. One step at a time. Just one step at a time.

And so Leonardo has become an echo and moved to Nariah. Let's see where my dear boy goes now ^^
This picture was waaaay overdue. Also finding the right colors with traditional: ugh.

Art , story & character (c) me
Image size
1716x2425px 7.08 MB
© 2017 - 2024 moonlightwalk
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