
SA | Pokemon AU meme | Kanaloa

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+10 AP, + 5 CS and +4 FVR | For Kanaloa

Kanaloa soon discovered this new world was discovered with many more creatures than the world he originally came from. However as all other aspects had stayed the same, Kanaloa initially didn’t pay it too mixh mind, preferring to ignore rather than dwell on it. It became soon clear however that these creatures were not merily that, interesting familiars, but had great potential to be utilized as weapon. It was soon decided guardians should take it up themselves to secure, tame and then train said creatures for the betterment of the herd. To Kanaloa it was clear that the gods had been involved in their creation, the creatures showing powers akin to blessings. It stood within reason he took preference to the creatures of his godness Cascade and it was them he sought after. Together with the other guardians he studied their qualities, using his talent as tactician to figure out their weaknesses and strenghts as well as the best ways to deploy them. As he grew older and became unfit for battling alongside his own team, he set back to mere instruction of apprentices, sharing all he had learned about both regular battle and those with pokemons. He continued doing this till he passed away.

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The first pokemon ever got was Thaumas. He had decided to name the magikarp after the last defender as a sort of honor to the deceased stallion. That decision was soon regretted however as it was found out that the fish pokemon could do…. well nothing. It just splashed around and also seemed rather dumb. Fellow horses often told him to change the name since it was an insult to the defender, but Kanaloa refused, believing that a name given was a name kept. One did not change names that were given under Cascade’s eyes and ears. And so Thaumas was kept. It was around the same time Khiepis was made unsafe by a large serptine sea creature, one that would be called gyarados by the Talorians. It was huge powerful and all out angry and the guardians were out of their wits on how to handle the things. It became an all out battle and with all but one of Kanaloa’s pokémon defeated, it was Thaumas that swum in front of him to defend him, butting heads with the huge gyarados. When Kane thought Thaumus had followed his namesake to the next life, the magikarp glowed up and yo and behold another gyarados stood, a blue one to challenge the red. It was so Thaumas became know and whispers went around they might even be a reincarnation of the great defender himself.

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After the whole story with Thaumas, Kanaloa refrained from naming any other pokemon, just deciding to go with their species name. It was a little silly at first, but Kane got used to it quickly, not able to be bothered with the alternative. And so his second pokemon was found and named Muk. Kanaloa had upon first sight pegged the purple blob a child of Cascade, the semi-liquid state of its body more than enough indication for him. The generous amounts of poison were not lost on the stallion either. He had been called in because the creature had been making some villagers sick. His first reaction had been to get rid of whatever was causing harm to his charges. After discovering it was a pokemon however and that that pokemon was beneath all that horrible actually amiable, he decided to give the crawling pudding a change. Muk was so excited, he ended up giving Kane mild poisoning for that week. Upon research, it was soon discovered that Muk and his quite had quite a few usefull purposes. They were soon used for making arrows deadlier as well as taking care of any garbage the herd had to provide. As a result Muk’s became a little more tolerated around Aquore.

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Found to make the Talorian beaches unsafe, Kanaloa found his Kingler as third of them all. The crab-like pokemon had been signaled around the ocean multiple times, preying over all kinds of shells but first and foremost shell pokemon. When horses tried to approach the creature, it would wave it oversized claw around threathingly. Seeing as how it had demostrated enormous power with it’s claw, the equines had decided it better to stay away from. All in all a good decission. The guardians were called in instead and it was decided capture was in order to protect their inhabitants from the rather ill tempered nature of that particular kingler. Kanaloa had in the meantime long learned of the strange compulsion this pokemons had to join whoever managed to capture them and as such took the battle upon himself. Seeing how Thaumas was still a magikarp and was quick out of the count -sadly again without apperent inprovement in splashing-, he used Muk next. The kingler was quick to attack, but found its claw disappearing in a mass of goo, Muk staying rather passive in his assault and just sitting baxk as the Kingler tried to free himself. Soon the crab was too tired to move and Kanaloa ended up with a Kingler who he sometimes just called King.

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Quite the shocker on Kanaloa’s side, Kanaloa saved a small but to him beautiful fish type pokemon which was named Goldeen. She had been injured by rogues who tried to drag up various things from the bottom of the sea with their nettings. As if destroying the ecosystem in itself wasn’t enough, they also had to go and injure innocent seacreatures. Kanaloa would later go and help stop such activities, but at the time he was only just made aware of the struggling goldeen with her bleeding fin which in turn attracted shark. Now the latter didn’t really care if their prey was of the pokemon kind of not, readily having adapted their eating patterns to include them. Kanaloa had to rush to get the little female to safety. Once secured, he got her seen after by a veternerian who had since expanded their practice to include pokemon. Her wounds were tended to and it immediatly struck Kane how a beautiful creature she was. He had been determined to set her free once again but after the whole ordeal she refused to leave his side, earning Kane his one and only female pokemon. Now the whole shock didn’t come until later when Goldeen suddenly evolved. Seaking had till then assumed to be the male variant of goldeen’s but alas his girly became one. Kanaloa still isn’t over it.

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The biggest disgrace of all of Kanaloa’s pokemon is without a doubt Snorlax. He is a prime example of lazyness and something of a pokemon species that Talorians absolutely don’t appreciate. They are considered the worst thing yet since Emperor Loris the Lazy. Even still Kanaloa ended up with one. The humangous snorlax had been found to be blocking an important road with no way to go around. They used everything they could use to try and move the beast out of its spot, but it just proved literally too big a task. After even a few elephants pulling the giant fell through and all efforts to rouse the creature felt on dead ears, Kanaloa challenged them. It was then the quiet moveless beast turned into one monsterous enemy that was a force to be reckoned with. It was a long and tiring battle. One that tired and took down most of Kanaloa’s pokemon. It was Goldeen, by then a seaking, that suprisingly came to Kanaloa’s defense. He had never used her in battle, even female pokemon seeming unfit for battle to the traditional minded stallion. As all his pokemon had fallen however and the beast turned its ire towards Kanaloa himself, Goldeen showed up and rammed the Snorlax right between the eyes with her horn, making the snorlax fall back to the ground…where he promptly went back too snoozing. Kane has been stuck with him ever since.

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The last pokemon Kanaloa would ever get, would be Dratini. The little sea serpent brought Kanaloa after his retirement, making odd jumps to show off as he walked the shorelines of the beach or went for a swim. Realizing the little creature was lonely, Kanaloa invited him into his home and subsequently into his heart. Of all his pokemon companions, Dratini would become the most tell-tale one, not for it’s appearance or strenght, but cheer loyality. If out of the water Dratini would ride along on Kane’s back, playing with the village kids. The day he evolved into Dragonair, Kanaloa cried in pride. It was to him like seeing a son he never had grow up into an adult. With the power of flight, he continued to accompagny Kanaloa as his health declined, age catching up with the stallion’s body. It was the day of his death that Dratini would evolve into dragonite, a massive creature that inspired awe in many. With no real family to hold a funeral for the lone stallion, Kane asked Dratini to upon his death, take him deep beneath the sea, where he could rest in Cascade’s embrace until it was such time to be born again. Dratini did and was after never seen again. In years to come legend would rise of good natured pokemon that came and lead the spirits of those ready to go see their goddess.

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