
SA | Pokemon AU meme | Asher

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+12 AP (2 FVR converted), 5 CS & 2 FVR | For Asher

Asher was surprised but not greatly so when he found himself suddenly in a world with even more creatures than usual. It was clear to him that it was the gods’ doing. Perhaps they had gotten bored with just the equines to toy around with, it wasn’t clear. These new creatures had their dangers but also their uses and Asher was nothing if not practical, accepting reality for what it now was. There was no use in sobbing about it as there was no turning back. He grew to consider the gods even more bothersome though. Soon enough the new creatures were a normality and as his herd was accepting of all living beings under the sky, so accepted Asher them into his heart. Soon enough they were forming alliances, the new ones who were soon named pokemon, forming bonds with different horses and smoothly integrating into herd life. While some spent attention on discovering more about them, Asher spent his energy on fighting and so his own team that would grow would become his partners in battle. They became friends, like extended family, and from time to time a pain in his back when they got a little wayward.

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The first of these creatures he met was not a nice one at all. There were complaints of something stalking horses through the dessert in the night,. Some claimed they saw cacti moving. If it hadn’t been so many sightings, Asher honestly would have thought it were some horses high on peyote, but with horses of all ages, genders and places reporting in, it was too hard to ignore. Soon enough Asher himself was scouting the sky at night under the full moon and behold, he found a cactus that had been standing still earlier indeed moving. Asher was floored. Swooping in for a closer look, he quickly identified it as a pokemon and set to take it down so it would no longer be a threat. It was a nasty fight, earning him several scratches from it pins. Once it was defeated however and he set out to relocate it, he was flabbergasted to find the odd creature suddenly attached to him. He tried to shake it on several occasions, but it seemed insistent on following him. In the end Asher simply gave up and they were simply nicknamed Peyote, the creature later named Cacturne by the horses in his herd.

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The second pokemon Asher met was of the feline kind. His persian, still a meowth back then, was caught stealing all kinds of shinies around the place. Asher was sent to track down the culprit of the thefts. The meowth actually gave him a good chase and he had to shadow the market on multiple occasions. When finally spotted the chase was a spectacular event, the feline pokemon quite fast. Asher eventually tracked him till her so called layer, filled to the brim with shinies. The stallion had them beat with Cacturne in an instant and the stuff was returned, leaving the meowth in near tears. Taking pitty on her, he bought her a crystal and gave it to hee. She was so overjoyed that she started following him around everywhere. Since then much time has paced and meowth changed to persian, walking the desert with four legs. She was nicknamed quite fittingly ‘Crystal’ and the single cryTal that brought them together has since then also changed in a larger pile of things, Asher unable to resist those big eyes and content purrs as she looks over her staff. The single blue crystal has been refined and now worn on her forehead, setting apart from all other persian.

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Number three is often considered a lucky number, but for Asher it was quite the hoof full. Reports began trickling in of a creature near the sear. Some panicked horses would say it was a furia, come from Aodh to haunt them. Described as a hound of fire, head a skull yet back as night, Asher amongst some other furies were sent to check out the reports. And though the creature they found was indeed the stuff of nightmares, it was not a furia at all. The creature was clearly of Ignacio’s doing, fire escaping from it’s mouth, yet it was solid in flesh and had horns and bones sprouting from it’s back, not unlike a unicorn. Whatever it was, it’s fire made it dangerous and it’s attitude a thread. ‘Anubis’, as Asher helpfully nicknamed them, was the leader of the troupe which made the trip to Alya’s temple even harder than it already was. A simple plan of action was set up: defeat the leader and relocate the pack. It was a though battle but Asher and his small team stood their ground. Though still temperamental, Anubis has grown on them, even if it’s in their own cocky way. Asher calls them spoiled.

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With Anubis on the team, Asher’s life became a little more hectic. He had three pokemon to care for so he also found himself taking more jobs and traveling so they could easily cover for their own food. It was in the valley of melodies that Asher found his next pokemon partner. This pokémon was clearly a child of Alya, seemingly born for the dessert and he quickly had Asher in awe. At least as big as a thunderbird, these flygon as they were dubbed, flew around the desert like it was their natural instinct, eyes even sporting what seemed like naturally occurring goggles against wind and sand. It’s no wonder that Asher nicknamed what would be his flygon ‘goggles’. The flygon was a younger one, having evolved early and not log before. They took interest in Ash as he wandered through the valley and tried to mimic the sound the win made. That caught Asher’s attention quickly and it was not mong before he had convinced the flying pokemon to come closer. He would talk to Goggles and tell him stories. Though it happened gradually, Asher sort of believed it was like meeting Goggles was something that was simply meant to be.

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A bit of an odd if not sad case was Yamask. The creature came to him or rather his home, rather than being the result of some mission Asher was on. It was a colder evening on which Asher came home, the stallion happy to be home and he took a minute to enjoy the sights. Asher adores all his Seroran stuff and was as a result quite fast in noticing something was off. He could have sworn a wooden mask, painted and carved into, had moved by it’s own. No, he was crazy, but hey, there it moved again. At first he suspected some kind of ghost, a soul that had not managed to calm down. And while it certainly was a type of ghost, it was not equine at all, instead very pokemon. They were called Yamask, some speculating they were perhaps Aodhian or Breimian in nature, but nobody know. They did latch on on masks and witg Asher it was his. Taking pitty on a creature that was technically already dead, he decided to met him have it. His nicknaming names were horrible as well and he simply went for the name ‘Yama’ which is short for Yamask, stopping of the lights, nothing else.

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The last of them, but definitly not the least, was a little fletchling. The little bird was found sitting on Asher’s window one day, singing a beautiful song and Asher was easily smitten by the cute bird pokemon. He start feeding her everyday and easily nicknamed her ‘Song’. Song kept coming back and eventually made her roost inside Asher’s window, joining his team. While small and cute, she turned out to be fiery, fierce as she started following Asher around on his training as fury. She started mimicking his movements and quickly became an aerial acrobat like no other, quickly becoming one of Asher’s closest companions. Wherever he went, Song went along. She eventually evolved gaining the blessing of fire and showing herself a child of Ignacio. Though dangerous Asher only loved her fiercer, defending her from any who would comment. His proudest moment was when song finally reached her final form, emerging as a talonflame mid-flight after Asher lay beaten on the ground, a thunderbird above him. And Song screeched, the sound going to the core of your bones as she bathed them in fire in her evolved form, the bird pokemon in that moment saving Asher’s life. It stands to say that if you have a problem with Song, you got a problem with Asher.

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