
SA | November 2017 prompt | Amber

Deviation Actions

moonlightwalk's avatar

Literature Text


+1 AP (360 words) | For Amber

Amber breathed in deeply, letting her nostrils flare as the smell drifting from her mother’s fireplace reached her nose. Old memories flickered at back of her mind, waiting to be rekindled but she pushed them aside, mouth taking a downward turn. She walked up to her mother slowly, the metal of her shoes clicking against the stone floor. She could no longer just sneak up on her mother like she used to when she was little, back when she had no shoes. Back when Lil- She let the thought die out, offering a smile as her mother turned. It was forced but it was polite and her mother didn’t seem to mind. The mare beckoned her closer, soft smile on her face, but her eyes deep and sad. She showed Amber what she was making, dough rolled out on the table and vegetables stewing above the fire. Amber gulped, her mouth watering against her will. She knew what her mother was making. Despite how long it had been she knew the vegetables were done. Knew what steps came next now.

Myrtle let out a small sigh, stepping aside and motioning for Amber to take her place. Amber frowned, lips pressing together. “I thought I’d make it again,” Myrtle explained, letting her eyes glide over her work before landing on her daughter again. “I thought she’d like that.” The mare looked down, Amber knew because of the earth that laid beneath the stone. She refused to do the same, refused to accept death as a reality. 

She looked at the vegatables instead, staring at them for a solid minute before seemingly deciding on something and reaching out with her teke to take it of off the stove. She did’t look at her mother as she started to work, but she didn’t need to see to know she was smiling, eyes no doubt watery. Amber coughed, feeling the need to explain herself. “She would be upset if she knew we never made it anymore,” she said as if that explained everything. Perhaps it did. Today they would have pie. 


As fate would have it, Lilliana made Luca pie that day as well.


Writing & characters (c) me

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