
SA | No fun

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+1 AP (313 words) | For Midas

Midas shoved Aineias away from him hurriedly, the other giving a look that was somewhere stuck between bewilderment and outrage. The frown on the other’s face only deepened as his lover started laughing loudly. “Haha, that’s a great story, brother.” Aineias looked about five seconds away from walking away as Midas peered over his shoulder at something.

“What are you doing?”

“Checking if- Oh.” Midas’ posture sagged, face relaxing. He pressed his teke against his own temples. “False alarm.”

He gave Aineias an apolegetic look, eyes tired. “I’m sorry for shoving you,” he said, sounding tired as well. His job was going to kill him one of these days. Aineias seemed to be still confused, but his expression no gave way for a little bit of worry.

“What’s up with you?”

Midas grimaced, moving closer again and leaning against Aineias side which the other gracefully allowed. “Work.” He said as if that would explain anything.


Midas gave him a look. “Right, right, can’t talk about it, by Alya Midas, I’m glad I’m not a peacemaker, because by the sound of it, the job sucks.”

“It could be worse,” Midas mumbled, eyes closing and letting his neck curl around Aineias’. It felt nice so he let out a contented sigh.

He meant it, it really could be worse. He liked his job, liked that he could help foster an alliance between Serora and Talori.

“Let’s talk about something you can talk about. Got any nice rogues over there?” Aineias wiggled his eyebrows ar him, making Midas snort before smirking.

“You just want in, don’t you?”

Aineias shrugged. I wouldn’t say no if there was an invite. Midas shook his head, chuckling. “Sorry to say, but her name is Ivarra and she’s not into that kinda stuff.”

“No fun,” Aineias complained.

“Plenty fun,” Midas smirked, playfully nabbing at Aineias’ ear.

“If you say so.”
This was gonna be angst, but Aineias disolved it. You're no fun Aineias.
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