
SA | Here comes the rain

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Literature Text


+1 AP (615 words), +5 CS and +3 FVR (Mini-event) | For Eyrin

Eyrin raised his head as the something hit his head. The sky above him had considerably darkened, leaving the earth below cooler than it had been in months. Another droplet hit his head, now right above his eye, making him close them and shake his head. Soon another and another where falling until water was fully pouring down the sky's gates as if Cascade herself was drenching the ground below her. Eyrin smiled, letting the water soak his coat, not bothering to step back and seek shelter from the onslaught of rain. The thunder almost sounded as music as it shook the clouds, it's rumbles heart far and wide above Sedo's territory. Rain. Finally. At last.

He looked around to see mother standing with her eyes closed as well both wings raised in an effort to shield the twins a little. His sister Alexa tried to coax them out from under there. "Come now, don't be afraid." while his father watched lovingly. His grandparents could be seen chatting with some other elders under a piece of overhanging rock nearby, occasionally laughing as a droplet made it past their shelter and onto their noses. Eyrin felt his heart swell with love. Nothing could describe how much he cared for them and it was with a flash of regret that he remembered that one face was missing. Oh how he would have loved to have her see this. Camilla opened her eyes as if sensing her son's thoughts and folded her wings as she walked over to him. Calendine and Pipit squeeked at the sudden loss of shelter, making a run for it towards their grandparents. Eyrin heard his father laugh and Alexa call for them to come and play. Camilla walked up till she was standing next to him, long mane drenched wet and hanging heavy from the mare's next. She let her flank rest against his, breathing in deeply. A flash of lightning lit up the sky, illiminating both their faces. "She would have wanted us to be happy, not to be sad," she said, knowing all to well what was going through his mind. Eyrin nodded. He knew she knew because she was feeling the same way, thinking the same thing. "She is under Alya's wing now, watching over us from above." Another flash and rolling thunder. The pouring rain masked the small tear that slipped down Eyrin's cheeck. He heard his mother sniff as well before she laughed, loudly, sincerencly. "Hear the skies roar. They are yelling at us, telling us to be happy." She tosses her head bach, her eyes twinkling as she looked at him. Eyrin found himself smiling in return, unable to do otherwise at seeing his mother smile. She stretched her by now soggy wing, sliding it against his side. Once upon a time he had fit under there, but now even he had grown too big to fit. Giggles and screams came from behind them, Calendine and Pippit suddenly racing under his legs, one yelling at another. Alexa came storming by trying to keep the two from slipping in the dusty ground now turned mud. A laugh escaped the big bay stallion, a genuine laugh at seeing Calendine slip and Pippit follow, ending them both sideways in the mud. His mom smiled and together they went to pick the twins up, rain quick to wash most of the dirt off. They frolicked some more until they were all appropretly drenched before returning to rest with the elders, letting their coats dry and as the rain continued battering the earth. Eyrin tried to engrave that image inside his brain. It was one of the happiest spring memories he'd have that year.

Writing & characters (c) me
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