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+10 AP, 4 FVR and +15 CS | For Lilliana
Herd name: Skytop coven
Government: Meritocracy
Values: Acceptance, Compassion & Growth
Herd colors: Brown (wood) & Green
Herd symbol:
Much like a trinity knot, Skytop coven's symbol exists of an interwoven pattern. Rather than three lobes however, there are five, one to present each god. They are all linked by a circle which represents an acceptance of all. The core is left empty and represents the self. Around the symbol you'll find another circle which stands for the magic that surrounds all. The symbol is often carved in wood as a medallion to keep with oneself, the non-elevated parts are then paintef green, the color of nature.
Rank: High priestess Lilliana
High priestess is considered the highest rank among the coven. It mean the horse in question has spent a great deal of time studying and as such is often sought out for advise. It's not a singular position, any horse who is dedicated may achieve it.
As high priestess Lilliana is considered very in tune with nature and the magic around her. To spent her time on vanity would be considered a waist. In the world all is beautiful if you care to look for it. As such you'll never see Lilliana wearing anything as refined as gold or lace. No what she wears is gifted by nature itself. Selfcare is mich promoted in the coven. Nature has given you beauty and is your job to not let it go to waist. Lilliana will be freshly bathed in cold streams and her hair long and untangled. In terms of accesories, you may find they are of use to her. She wears stones that promote magic and a long hooded cloack to fend off any cold. If she at dresses up it is with earthly paints and flowers, thankful for what has been given so freely by the gods to her.
Continent and map:
The coven has taken residence in the Skytop forest, quite simply because it was so unknown and few horses traveled through it. Between the tall trees, they made their home. There is enough piece and quiet to conduct their studies. Though many of the witches travel the world of Hireath, the forest is their home, their bound of safety. Their campement lies above shadow point inbetween where the broken sea travels inland and the shattered river crosses the forest. In the ancient trees they've carved their homes, living in sync with them and appreciating as living entities. Routes run through the forest, often only seen and known by the witches themselves as they don't generally appreciate interferance from outsiders, allowing only those that want study magic as well in their most inner sanctum. For those that do not know the forest, it may seem dangerous and you will find yourself lost. It is then you can only hope that a witch may stumble upon you and escort you back out.
Mythical familiar:
The Ash are considered omen when they appear to you. They are shapeshifters, their coats, feather or scales always white in appearance. These magical creatures are often considered the messengers of Fate. For them to appear to you it must mean that something is changing something is shifting in your life and even the world. Sometimes they appear in but a flicker of time, appearing and dissappearing in the blink of an eye. It is as such they are rarely ever kept as familiars. If they do stick to a horse or an equine for a longer period of time, you may bet something is about to go down. Because of it's shapeshifting nature and the rare appearances, it's sometimes said there is not many but only one Ash, the Ash, who born of magic travels the streams of time and space itself, being both in the present, past and future at the same time.
Patron god:
Name: Fate
Gender: Non
Element: None
Personality: Distant | Unbiased/Neutral | Intuitive | Deep | Otherworldly
The fate mother does not bestow blessings. She is the watcher. The one who sees the world unfold. She may whisper to the other gods what lies in another's future, influencing what blessings they may unlock, but otherwise keeps to herself. She has but one power in her arsenal and that is the fact she may see the strings of fate, of life.
Despite the fact she is referred to as the fate mother, Fate is of either gender. She also has not one but many forms, known to walk the earth on serveral occasions, but unlike the other gods incognito. She is the one who watches, the nameless horse in the crown, the shadow in the woods and the one nobody remembers. She likes to take different personas, seeing the world from different points of view though she never truely participates or interferes unless her own line crosses their paths. She is the ancient women you passed on the streets and pointed out the way, the young colt that played with you and dissappeared the same day. If it is a turning point, she may have been there though you never knew. Her true form however or at least, the one she likes to take on, has something ethereal. A ball of pure energy, bundled up together. In it she may take on spirit-like qualities, rearranging the energy as she sees fit. It is easy to form wings and explore the world as ghostly bird. In this form she is often mistaken or passed off as a wandering spirit, making quiet observation all the easier on her. The rest of the time she is litteraly untouchable, pure energy floating through space, mingling with her brothers and sisters, a state of being a mere mortal can begin to comprehand. It's another plane all together where she resides, waiting and watching for the right moment to come back.
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