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moonlightwalk's avatar

SA | Headshot requests 1




+4 AP (4 HS) | For Midas

Sooooo, I did these a good while ago, but I've been saving them for Lilly :'D
Since she's being judged now, I figured I'd put them up already. There's more, but that's for later.

intotherealwild 's Alec
Kawaii-DeadPool 's Alyx
NorthernMyth 's Alarik
11IceDragon11 's Marco

Art (c) me
Characters belong to their respective owners
Image size
1257x1416px 2.2 MB
© 2016 - 2024 moonlightwalk
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Kawaii-DeadPool's avatar
Awh, thank you so much for drawing Alyx. <3
She looks adorable :hug: