
SA | Gems but no rivers

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moonlightwalk's avatar

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Leonardo practically vibrated on the spot, very much annoying his much calmer father in the progress. He just couldn't help it. The celebration had always been one of his most favourite times of the year and nothing was gonna change that. It were the sounds, the sight and the smells that resonated with his very soul and would leave him with a sensory overload and sated feeling like no other at the end of the night. Right now however all thoughts of sleep were far away as he paraded through the streets with Sato next to him. Well, in his opinion he was just walking, but Sato insisted his excited trotting drew other horses' eyes. The winged stallion had tried to tone it down a bit to appease his father, but had soon given up. Excitement should not be contained during moments like these! As such he now kept getting looks from Sato which he tactfully tried to ignore by starting a conversation on gems. His father loved gems whether he admitted it or not. He had long since come to the conclusion that he most likely had his mother to blame for that. Inspecting one of the merchants' tables Sato had found himself a piece of roze quarts which seemed to have caught his attention. The merchant immediately started to go on about it's properties of love, asking if he was perhaps buying for a special someone. Leonardo snorted. And loud at that. Coughing a little to try cover his rude behaviour, he scraped his throat, earning him a look of both the merchant and Sato. "Euhm..." He started awkwardly, "Don't think the old man needs to be buying such things." The attempt at joking was not well received. Cursing his social skills, Leonardo made off with the excuse of getting them something to eat as Sato further dealt with the merchant. Once he got back Sato was waiting for him. The look in the older horse's eyes made him want to backtrack, but he didn't get the chance as the stallion was already walking towards him. This couldn't be good.

It turned to be another 'not good' than he expected though. Instead of receiving an angry rant about manners, a stone was presented to him. A very pink stone. Leonardo blushed furiously as the older male smirked at him. "I do want grandchildren sometime, maybe this thing will help you land a suitable wife." Leonardo promptly started walking away, but Sato swiftly followed, enjoying his son's quiet embarrassment. 

"Think we might need more stones for you to work though." Leonardo gave him miffed look. "I'm not that bad. Those stones don't even work like that anyway, though they are particularly fine for love spells they do need to be imbued."

"Oh, you and your nonsense. The crystals work just fine. This knowledge had been passed on for many generations." Calling a driven's work nonsense is not the best move one can wait. Leonardo got fairly upset. Sato ended up buying him some more gems for his collection to make up. 

Leonardo huffed as he inspected his newly acquired gems as the waited. Later they would seperate and each attend to their own crew of people, right now however they would watch the fireworks together as they had done so many time before. Leonardo's eyes slid from his new acquisitions to the ceiling as the first firework was lit. Colors and sound filtered to like as the fireworks painted the air. A small smile slid onto Leon's face as he stood next to his father, content feeling seeping into him. Oh, how he loved this event. 


607 words: +1 AP and event bonus: +3 FVR and +5 CS | For Leonardo

And now I sleep.

Characters and story belongs to me
© 2016 - 2024 moonlightwalk
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kitehpow's avatar
Oh man this was a great read ;A;/ you have a great writing style