
SA | Flowers for the death

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Literature Text

Amber tried her best to keep a straight face as Nathaniel adorned himself with different flowers, not caring in the slightest about hte looks he was receiving from their uncle. Sure the flower festival included everyone, but their uncle wasn’t too fond of taking part in such things and didn’t really like Nathaniel doing it either. Still the colt was young so he refrained from saying anything. Amber did her best not to smirk. When her mother walked up to her brother and put a flower on the male’s horn, she had to turn away. It was really all too funny. Nathaniel deemed himself finished and ran towards his sister, Amber blinking as the colt suddenly appeared before her nose. She quickly schooled her face as her brother smiled up to her. “Let me do yours too!” he demanded, already picking up some flowers. Amber frowned. Seeing her face, Nate bumped into her with his nose. “Pleeeeaaase?!”


Amber closed her eyes shortly and sighed deeply, acting like she was annoyed. “Very well.” It lacked any form of enthusiasm, but Nathaniel seemed happy anyway, smiling broadly. “I’ll make you so pretty! My sister will be the prettiest of all the mares!” he declared, running off, presumably going to gather flowers that would aid in said task. Amber shook her head. “Little runt,” she mumbled, eyes following her brother. She heard a chuckle next to her. Looking aside, she saw her mother, the mare having wandered up to them. “Your siblings do like making their sister look pretty, don’t they? Lilliana also always liked doing your hair.” A sad look crossed Amber’s eyes before her face hardened, lips pressing into a thin line. Her mother smiled sadly at her, knowing her daughter all too well. “It’s okay to miss her, sweetheart. We all do, but…” she looked off into the distance. “The death will truly die if we don’t remember them.” Amber refused to react. Dead. Amber didn’t want to believe her sister was gone. Gone from the herd, yes, but not from life. Her mother gave her another smile, picking a flower from the ground and putting it on her daughter's head. “Now, try and enjoy the festival, okay? Your dad and I will be talking with some friends.” Amber nodded absently. The festival was nice, but also painful. Lilliana always put flowers on her, telling her how pretty she looked. She didn’t want to feel pretty now. No, that wasn’t true. She still liked it, but she didn’t want to indulge in her uncle's stupid ideas of girls wearing flowers. Flowers were nice, but fragile, flowers had been their family’s symbol for women for ages.


“Look what I got you!” Amber blinked. Nathaniel was in front of her again, awkwardly carrying every flowers he had managed to get his telekinesis on. He showed them to her proudly. “Now hold still while I make you pretty.” Amber closed her eyes, not able to stand the concentrated look on the colt’s face as he put the flowers on her. Even with her eyes closed, her lips were quirking upwards. Yes, he did make her feel pretty, just like Lilliana did, but she tried to hold her smile.


+1 AP (529 words), +3 FVR and +5 CS | For Amber

I had wanted to do a headshot, but time escaped me. Oh, well, maybe I'll do one next time or after exams.

I guess the flower festival isn't a very happy festival for Amber :(
Maybe hanging with her fellow valkyries will help her some?

Amber, NPCs and story are mine
© 2016 - 2024 moonlightwalk
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