
SA | Far from the flock

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+1 AP (400 words), +3 FVR and +5 CS (Mini-event bonus) | For Renata

It was still early as Renata walked through camp, wanting to go and spent some time alone. The quieter paths around the mountains gave her more romm to think and allowed her a moment to let loose away from the watchful eyes of others. It's not that she completly lacked privacy, but there was something soothing in walking through nature alone, the wilds she once considered unthinkable to walk through having become just another path to walk. Sure there still were dangers, but the one which had instilled the most fear in her, the unknown, had gone. Her hoof clicked as they hit the stone beneath, the clicks hitting the mountain walls and bouncing back to create and echo. The trickling sound soon caught her ears, leaving the mare thirsty. Without a second thought she changed direction, walking towards the source of water with in her mind the plan to quench her sudden thirst. It didn't take long to find the small stream that like a snake slithered it's way in between the rocks to find it's path down the mountain. Bowing down, she took a few large gulps, the fresh water sliding cooly down her throath and cooling her down. She smiled, feeling refreshed. A flash of color caught her eye, her hearth skipping a beat. Alarmed she raised her head, fearing it some kind of predator. What met her eye however, made her still for a second. She blinked, unsure if what she was seeing was real or just a fragment of her imagination. But no, there they were, floating in the air, like a shimmer of a memory floating by. Their tiny arms dangling underneath them, colors as bright as all those years ago. Qotoki. Renata couldn't believe it. She hadn't seen these little guys for years. She remembered watching them treck by in large numbers back in Talori. Lothos still at her side. Izel still so small. Small tears sprung up in her eyes as the bittersweet memories trickled back into her mind. They were happy memories. Filled with laughs and eyes full of wonder. And still they hurt remembering as they were of a time that she had long left behind her. A time that was not coming back. The small flock if qotoki floated by, apperently in no hurry to get anywhere despite the meaning of their track. This was a rate moment and despite her earlier relishing of the somtigude, one she wished to share. Before she even knew she was walking back. She wanted Izel to see as well.
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