
SA | Checkpoint 1.2 | Morning run

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Literature Text


+3 AP (425 words & Level 1 checkpoint) | For Amber

"You look like you’re in shape, what’s your secret? Tell or show us how you get your exercise!"

Amber breathed heavily through her nose as she truded at a steady pace over the rocky path. The morning air burned her lungs, but she ignored it in favor of picking up her speed. A little faster. Small stones rolled down the road and off the hill as she passed by. A morning run wasn't something she did daily, but she enjoyed it when she had the time. The sun had barely peeked it's head above the mountains, bathing her surroundings in a warm yellow-orange light that took the edge of off things and made everything seem brighter. The air was cold and crispy, Amber's breath coming out in small visible puffs of air, but the mare didn't mind. The cold that prickled her skin made her feel more awake, chasing off any traces of sleep that may have lingered. The morning fog made for a splendid sight as well as did the dewdrops that hung from the plants and cobwebs, Amber breathed in deeply and smiled. Here on the small paths that not many a horse crossed in these early hours, the young valkyrie felt alive. She felt free. And that was not a commodity that the mare was often granted these days. Amber always felt as if the herd was watching, as if they were waiting for her to misstep so they could tear her down and degrade her to their standards of a mare. She hated this awfull stereotype she was being judged against and was always wary off horses wanting to prove her to be nothing more than it. It made her tense and defensive, even developing a distaste for indulging in certain things she liked simply because it would reinforce this girly stereotype. Often her muscles would ache and her head would hurt, not from training, but endless irritation and -sometimes paranoid- thoughts. Smile she did not often, a scowl a more commonplace expression on her face. During these runs however she could let herself go, the tension leaving her body as she ran. Here she felt no eyes upon her and it made her all the lighter. And she smiled openly as she almost floated, feeling like she flew rather than thundered over the stoney path. Her lungs burned from the cold air, muscles strained from the exercise and heart pounded loudly as it pumped blood rapidly through her. And she loved it for whatever time it lasted. For when she returned to the herd that feeling would be gone and that tension would slide over her again.
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