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moonlightwalk's avatar

SA | Checkpoint 1.1 | We still have the sky




+5 AP (Shaded headshot and a simple BG, Level 1 checkpoint) | For Lilliana

Checkpoint 1.1 | Where do you live? Show us or tell us about your home!

"I have no home anymore. I wander wherever my heart takes me. Sometimes I look up however and remember what home was like. At least we still have the sky. Nobody will ever take that from me."

I drew this during drawing session back in October-November somewhere, but only found it back recently :'D
It has an accompagnying piece for Amber, but I haven't got around to coloring it yet ^^; ALSO the background, I painted but you can't even tell, pfff.

Anyway Lilliana doesn't really belong anyway. She finds consolence in the fact she and her family still share the same sky though. She and Amber used to starwatch a lot.

Art and character (c) me
Image size
2788x1826px 7.1 MB
© 2017 - 2024 moonlightwalk
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Jennycallie's avatar
oooh I really like the colour palette here, so pretty! :love: