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SA | Chapter III | Guess what




+10 AP (2 shaded FB and full BG), 5 FVR and 10 CS (Chapter bonus) | For Cecillia

With horses trickling in from all over Sirith to attend the day of the wisps in the city of Nariah, Cecillia caught ear of Sir Ozzer around. The filly is more than happy to announce that she too got blessed by Kaia with Tremor sense.

Art and Cecillia (c) me
Ozzer (c) MariahWhy 
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6048x3326px 8.48 MB
© 2017 - 2024 moonlightwalk
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MariahWhy's avatar
:heart: :heart: :heart: This is just so cute. He would be so proud and flattered that she would come to him.

Also the fact that she calls him Sir Ozzer just kills me.