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SA | Chapter 1 | The cold never bothered me anyway




FB FB: +5 AP and Chapter bonus: +5 Fvr, +10 CS | For Amber

"As they trudged forward to inspect the candidate shelter however, Amber instantly lost some of her gratitude. The ca- well, no, it couldn't be even called a cave, more like an indent in the mountain as if Kaia had given it a half-hearted kick. Either way it was small and cramped and Amber almost wrote of its usefulness. Almost, since well, though she didn't want to think about getting in close quarters with anyone, she did consider herself smart enough to take their situation into consideration. And that situation at the moment called for them to get in the cramped space...together... Ugh, the thought of braving the storm sounded a little less bad now, though not enough to go against their war lord wishes. She was a strong mare, no breach of personal space was gonna stand in her way!"


So yeah, that's what she told herself, but in reality she totally wanted to say:"Okay, let's just push forward, the cold doesn't bother me." And that kinda made me think of Frozen, so here ya go. Gave her a braid for the occasion as well (in hind sight I should have had her tail braided as well). Just for sniggers.

Amber and art by me
Frozen by Disney
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2100x2120px 3.63 MB
© 2016 - 2024 moonlightwalk
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tsukki-ren's avatar
my goodness this is absolutely beautiful!
the background looks amazing and Amber looks lovely! <33