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moonlightwalk's avatar

SA | CP 2.6 | Long walks on the beach




+18 AP & 4 CS (3 shaded FB, Full BG and Level 2 checkpoint bonus) | For Midas

"What do you do in your spare time?"

Well, I could say I enjoy long walks on the beach and visiting interesting spots, but really what I enjoy most in my spare time is being in good company; Sometimes very good company.

So I may or may not have been playing with the canon of Midas giving Ivarra a necklace of sorts to wear before the whole attack went down. Midas is in Sedo now while Ivarra is in Talori.

Midas & art (c) me
Ivarra (c) Kawaii-DeadPool 
Image size
2453x1716px 7.19 MB
© 2017 - 2024 moonlightwalk
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Kawaii-DeadPool's avatar
This is the most precious thing I have ever seen <3
And I love the idea of him giving her a necklace! like Ívarra likes flashy things but even if it's not, she still wears it anyway