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+5 AP (328 words, Lv.1 CP bonus & Group NPC bonus) | For Renata
1.5. What do you do every day? How are you an asset to your herd?
Renata was pacing. Up and down, up and down. She kept glancing over her shoulder, feathers brosteled. What was the use? Renata was a healer. It was her life’s calling, her place in this world and her job within the flighr. She crafted and provided potions for those who needed it. Now there were needy who she could give nothing to. Supplies were low, morals in a bunch. She felt anxious. The trial still fresh on her mind. She was someone who battled death, someone who snatched life back the brink, someone who saved. Yet now Perseus had judged an act of murder as rightful. What was her purpose? What was her place?
She tried looking at it from his point of view, rationalize. Of course Perseus had to take the view of outsiders on the flock in mind. Perhaps he thought it wrong as well, but it was just for unity’s sake he let her go without punishment. Still it felt so wrong. It sent the wrong message. Speaking of message. She watched Serene pass by, the mare moving as if she had been part of the flock for years. She was one of the few who had called Jun’s actions righteous. It disgusted her beyond words. The mare was an engima, providing medicine for all yet still speaking in a murderer’s favor. She hated it.
Serene was either not aware of her feeling or simply didn’t care as she approached and started chatting about the potion Rena had been working on. Rena just nodded, respect dor her elders still deeply ingrained into her. She’d need to put up with individuals like Serene, perhaps try change their minds. For the greater good.
She’d need to keep working for what she believed in and fulfill her role with grace. She’d jusr keep healing, just keep battling death regardless of what others did.
She forced a polite smile and explained to Serene what ointment she was trying to create.
For renata
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