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+3 AP (348 words & lv.1 CP bonus) | For Amber
1.3. Do you have a talent? If so, what is it? Tell us about it! If not, tell us what you’d like and why!
Amber read another sentence, going through the pages of the book much faster than she once used to. Her family had never taught her how to read, but when she had been selected to become part of the valkyrie, Amber had also been signed up to learn how to read. Amber was grateful for this, because it had opened up a whole new world of knowledge for her. She flipped the page, having finished the last one. It was interesting what kind of information was written down in these things. Though she felt like they did not live up to actual experience, they were very valuable. Things normally told by only mentors were avaiable in books and thus within her grasp. Because let’s be honest, who aside Hira and some elder valkyrie such as Khala were gonna teach a mare anything battlewise? Amber had chosen to pursue the fine art that were tactics. It was a sort of cunning that was well priced within their herd and thus something she saw of worth. Sometimes she would invite her fellow sisters in arms to test their skills against her, whether during a spar or a game of chess. She enjoyed the thrill of planning something, laying out the steps, making up countermoves and seeing it play out. The longer she went on, the better she got in it. And she needed it. Relished in it. It gave her a feeling of control to be able to plan, even on the fly and she had started trainong her mind as much as her body, having since recongized it as a valuable weapon. Another page was turned and she sighed. She was studying Aodhian war techniques right now, knowing they would be fighting alongside them soon. It was not something she was looking forward to at all. She didn’t like Aodhians, didn’t like the deal her herd had with them. With an angry huff, she shut the book. Perhaps it was time to put some theory into practise. At the very least it would help her to blow of some steam.
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