Deviation Actions
+5 AP (Shaded HS with simple BG and lv.1 checkpoint bonus) | For Amber
Music to go with it: here
What's your herd like? Do you like them? Dislike them?
Amber breathed heavily through her nose, feeling panic rising inside her stomach as she realized she couldn't move back up. She struggled, only to find herself pushed down harder, her attempts futile. She felt the hoof pressed in her side harshly, her face pressed in the dirt as well. She could smell the wetness of the earth, making its way into her nostrils, as she slowly realized there was nothing she could do. It didn’t matter how hard she would scream. How much she would kick. How unrelentingly she would fight. She lay on her side at the bottom of a stallion’s hoof. At his mercy for all to see. No, it didn’t matter what she did. She was losing this. To her horror she passers-by's watching. Some whispered, some looked disapproving, some sad and some sneered. How she wanted to go up to them. Fight them, hurt them, put them in their places. Scream and let it be known that it was not okay. That women were just as strong and deserved the same respect, the same respect as men. Angry tears sprung into her eyes, frustrated at her inability to do anything. Her hooves kicked out but she could not hit the stallion at all. She bared her teeth, but she could not reach to bite his leg. Rage made her see red. How dare he? How dare they? She would- She would- But what would she? What could she when she lay so hopelessly like this? In shame she closed her eyes, the fight leaving her body and rendering her limp. She lay still as she felt the pressure let up, the stallion allowing her to get up. She did not meet his eyes, not wanting to see him gloating, not wanting to recognize that arrogant, dominant ego that no doubt poured from his very being. Silently and quickly she picked herself up, not allowing herself to hurry, but not able to keep herself from edging away as she walked passed the larger male. Her body trembled and her breathing was quick as she walked away. Her heart beat too fast. As soon as she was out of sight, she ran. As fast as she could to home. She hated this herd, hated the way they treated her. The way it worked. And today, today she was just done with all their crap. Never before she had felt so alone on the world.
So lot of experimenting here :'D I tried an angle, scanned lineart and colored in SAI itself.
I'm not very content with the lines at all, but oh well, I hope it gives the general impression a least.
The oversized hoof (which was supposed to be a leg, but yeah, turned out differently OTL) belongs to Callousal 's Kronos. Amber hates his guts now. Arch enemy alongside the bloody flanks. Thanks for lending him for this thing!
Amber and art (c) me
Kronos (c) Callousal
Reference used (c) Nylak-Stock