
SA | CP 1.1 | It could be worse

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Literature Text


+3 AP (426 words & lv. 1 CP ) | For Kanaloa

What's your herd like? Do you like them? Dislike them?

*Set pre-chapters

Kanaloa passed the citizens of his village as he patrolled the streets. It was quiet, horses having taken to quiet talk rather than bustling around in the streets as the sun bathed their white homes in orange. Kanaloa ended his walk at the seaside as he did everyday and like most days around town there had been not much to do. It was both pleasing and frustrating to him as he was happy that the guardians did their job well, but also quite dull having nothing around to do. He was a lonely stallion, spending most if not all of his day on his job. What use did he have if hebhad no such job ho take care of? It sadened him and it made him once again wish he had had children to pass his days with. But it had been not meant to be and instead Kane found himself watching out over the ocean where the sun sunk ever deeper behind the horizon. He let out a deep sigh, weary and tired. He always considered his life mediocre at best, having nothing to show for all his life on this world, yet supossed he could not be ungrateful. He had a home in this beautiful herd. Of all the places he had been happy to be born here. Not in some godforsaken herd outside Aquore whom rumor described as sinful and barbaric. No instead he got this beautiful herd with law and order and the sea. The very herd Cascade watched over. Where life was defined liveliness and were things were defined clearly. Their home ground was plentyful in its resources, giving them everything they could wish for and their cities and villages were beyond compare, even when Kanaloa didn’t have anything to realistically compare them too. Of course even they had their dark spots. Rogues that crawled around their island, who threathened order and who threathened their secrecy by fairinh the seas to other herds. He loathed their existance, blamed them for his wife’s death. If there was on thing wanted to get rid off in their herd, it was them. Aside from them their herd was pretty near perfect. There were the odd individuals that stood out: thiefs, confused horses who tried claiming different gender, the disabeled. And of course there were pegasi who fell into sinfulness so easily, making Kanaloa keep an extra eye on them to keep the lesser sods on track. But all in all he found himself appreciative of his homeland and he did well to remember that.
For Kanaloa
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