SA | Awesome Seroransmoonlightwalk on DeviantArt

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SA | Awesome Serorans




+17 AP (8 shaded HS, 1 HS) | For Kanaloa

I wanted to thank everyone who signed their horses up to take care of little Sero. It is clear Serora is a loving herd.
It was a tough pick but in the end I decided to go with Ila with help of Io (and I guess we'll be seeing the rest of her fam around too).

Have all a headshot of your fabulous horses ^^
I tried to shade Xer but didn't dare press too hard because I was afraid of messing up her markings so I left it like that ;v;
Kawaii-DeadPool Once Selket is in, lemme know and I'll get you a separate HS c;

Art (c) me
Diana (c) Spectraheart
Predwin (c) InTheDappledRain
Creosote (c) Silverfallingstar
Ila (c) fallenraen
Glainne (c) Cogaidh
Kristopher (c) KitoGryff
Helene (c) Wolf-mask
Xer (c) Xana-Akai
Io (c) kei-ren 
Image size
1936x1958px 5.14 MB
© 2017 - 2024 moonlightwalk
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Wolf-mask's avatar
aaaah, thank you so much! ;w;