moonlightwalk on DeviantArt

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moonlightwalk's avatar

SA | Astral tracker | Midas




.:: Astral points ::.

[-| Gained|-]

SA | Serora | Ambassador | Midas - +5 AP
Astral tracker headshot - +1 AP
SA | Headshot requests 1 - +4 AP
SA | Introduction meme - +15 AP
SA | Chibi Voidra - +1 AP
SA | Chibi Amadeus - +1 AP
SA | Idris - +7 AP
Converted FVR to AP - +39 AP
Chapter participation (Amber) - +12 AP (Last checked: 11/01/2017)
Chapter participation (Eyrin) - +14 AP (Last checked: 11/01/2017)
SA | Spoopy dream - +4 AP
SA | Headshot request 2 - +2 AP
SA | Chapter III | It cannot be - +4 AP
SA | CP 1.4 | Acceptation - +3 AP
SA | CP 2.6 | Long walks on the beach - +18 AP
SA | Collab | A friendly chat  - +5 AP
Chapter V | Plot participation Midas - +20 AP
SA | CP 1.6 | Which ones - +3 AP
SA | No fun - +1 AP 
SA | February prompt | Love is relative - +6 AP
SA | March prompt | Midas | My life - +4 AP
SA | February 2017 prompt | She didn't - +3 AP
SA | April prompt | Amber | Flowers - +4 AP
SA | Ball point headshot | Eyrin - +4 AP

[-| Total |-]

180 Astral points

.:: Overview ::.

[-| Distribution |-]

Total stats || 330 + 15 cunning boost

Strength ||
Wisdom || 50
Vitality || 50
Speed || 50
Cunning || 100
Agility || 50

Rank || 75
Talent || 75
Talent 2 || 0

[-| Level overview |-]

  1. :bulletgreen: 5 AP | Can purchase accessories from your herd's shop
  2. :bulletgreen: 20 AP | You can now purchase Catalyst Items + 10 stat points
  3. :bulletgreen: 40 AP | Character can now receive their Talent
  4. :bulletgreen: 60 AP | Can purchase a Level 1 Familiar + 10 stat points
  5. :bulletgreen: 100 AP | Can receive First Blessing (choice of two) + free character slot.
  6. :bulletgreen: 140 AP | If first Blessing has not been acquired, the character can choose (not Holy) + 10 stat points
  7. :bulletgreen: 180 AP | First Blessing is now Level 2
  8. :bulletred: 220 AP | Can purchase a Level 2 Familiar + 2d Talent + 10 stat points
  9. :bulletred: 260 AP |  First Blessing is now Level 3
  10. :bulletred: 300 AP | Can receive Second Blessing, with a choice of three. Can apply for Holy + 10 stat points
  11. :bulletred: 340 AP | First Blessing is now maxed 
  12. :bulletred: 380 AP | Can purchase a Level 3 Mythical Familiar + 10 stat points
  13. :bulletred: 420 AP | If Second Blessing has not been acquired, the character can choose (not Holy).
  14. :bulletred: 460 AP | Second Blessing is now Level 2 + 10 stat points
  15. :bulletred: 500 AP | ???
  16. :bulletred: 540 AP | Acquires the ability to own two Familiars at once + 10 stat points
  17. :bulletred: 580 AP | Second Blessing is now Level 3
  18. :bulletred: 620 AP | Ability to meet your character’s patron God ‘in the flesh’ + 10 stat points
  19. :bulletred: 660 AP | Receive a special accessory from character's patron god
  20. :bulletred: 700 AP | Second Blessing is now Maxed + 10 stat points

[-| Stats |-]


:bulletgreen: At 25 |  You can push/pull things up to 1/4th of your body weight, and can lift things up to 1/8 of your body weight  using Telekinesis

:bulletred: At 50 | You can push/pull things up to 1/2  of your body weight, and can lift things up to 1/4 of your body weight using Telekinesis

:bulletred: At 75 |  You can push/ things up to your own body weight, and can lift things up to 1/2 of your body weight using Telekinesis

:bulletred: At 100 | You can push/pull things weighing twice as much as you do, and you can lift things weighing as much as you using Telekinesis



:bulletgreen: At 25 |  You are quite the book worm. You find it very easy to remember things you read as well as comprehending it.

:bulletgreen: At 50  | You’ve quickly figured out how to put all that knowledge to good use, and find it somewhat easier to do tasks unrelated to your rank or talent.

:bulletred: At 75 | You have made quite a name for yourself, and many horses seek you out for advice.

:bulletred: At 100 | You are incredibly adept at planning things when given enough time to put your knowledge to good use. Whether it’s business plans or interpersonal communication, you have a knack at figuring out the best way to go about it for the most sought after outcome.



:bulletgreen: At 25 | You are able to run full speed up to 1/4th mile without getting tired, and can maintain moderate speeds for up to a mile without getting winded. You are also more resistant to infections.

:bulletgreen: At 50 | You’re now able to carry/drag another equine for up to a 1/4th mile without your muscles giving out on you. You also begin to find yourself more resistant to common illnesses.

:bulletred: At 75 | You can run full speed for a mile without getting winded, and are capable of maintaining moderate speeds as long as needed without tiring. You are now immune to common diseases.

:bulletred: At 100 | You’re now capable of carrying/dragging another creature your size for up to a mile before your muscles can’t take it anymore. You are also immune to most diseases and infections.



:bulletgreen: At 25 | Maximum speed is 20 mph.

:bulletgreen: At 50 | Maximum speed is 30 mph.

:bulletred: At 75 | Maximum speed is 40 mph.

:bulletred: At 100 | Maximum speed is 50 mph.



:bulletgreen: At 25 | You are more clever than most.

:bulletgreen: At 50 | You can think quickly on your hooves, and formulate plans on the fly.

:bulletgreen: At 75 | You’re able to identify dangerous situations from a distance, and can quickly assess the best course of action to make it out safely.

:bulletgreen: At 100 |  You're exceptionally adept at working your way to the top. You pick up on new concepts quickly.



:bulletgreen: At 25 | You now maneuver more quickly and gracefully, and find yourself tripping over your feet less.

:bulletgreen: At 50 | You are capable of moving easily on uneven ground without any missteps.

:bulletred: At 75 | You are able to cross through all types of terrain without threat of injury. Not only are you quick and graceful, but you have become quite sure footed as well.

:bulletred: At 100 | You are now able to cross even the most steep mountains without issue. No terrain or rough footing can hold you back. Need to get through a tangled forest? No problem. Crossing a sandy desert? Pfft easy. Icey river crossings? Piece of cake with a bit of concentration.

[-| Rank |-]

:bulletgreen: 25 AP |  As a Peacemaker you really need to know how to make a good impression. A silver tongue and a bit of knowledge will take you far. If you wish, receive either Mediator or Lore Master for your first talent early.
 :bulletgreen: 50 AP |   While Serorans are famously communal, they recognize that other herds can judge based on appearance and they want you to look your best. Receive either a Cloak or Collar for free.
 :bulletgreen: 75 AP |  Sedo relies on you to make a good impression and offer even better advice. Add 15 SP to either your Wisdom or Cunning.
 :bulletred: 100 AP | A Peacemaker needs to stay in contact with their home. So long as your familiar spot is not already filled, you may receive a level 2 bird from either your home or host herd regions for free.

[-| Talent |-]

Talent 1: Mediator

:bulletgreen: 25 AP | As an aspiring diplomat, you know how to rub others in the right places. Persuading members of your own herd to get along or see your side is a bit easier.

:bulletgreen: 50 AP | You’ve become exceptionally good at diplomacy. Not only can you convince others to see things from your point of view, but you’re also good at talking yourself out of trouble. Quite the silver tongue you’ve got there!

:bulletgreen: 75 AP | You’ve gotten so good at reading emotions that you find it easier to get along with horses from other herds, regardless of the herd-related hostility levels between you.

:bulletred: 100 AP | Maxed out: Some people call you an empath - and they’re not far off! With your experience, you can easily read the mood of a room and see through someone’s tough facade. You’ll know just what to say to them, too.

Talent 2: TBA

[-| Blessing |-]

Blessing 1: TBA


Blessing 2: TBA

Character and art (c) me
Tracker from the group Starborn-Alignment
Image size
1443x1906px 941.29 KB
© 2016 - 2024 moonlightwalk
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