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moonlightwalk's avatar

SA | Astral tracker | Mickaiah




.:: Astral points ::.

[-| Gained|-]

Application - +5 AP
SA | Old design Mickaiah - +2 AP
SA | Do you see something, girl? - +6 AP
SA | Gift batch 1 - +24 AP
SA | Halloween | Always Watching - +50 AP (FVR converted)
SA | Introduction meme | Kaito - +20 AP

====== Subtotal = 107 AP ======

SA | September 2018 prompt | Kaito  - +5 AP
SA | Belle Sticker - +8 AP
SA | Tulio Sticker - +10 AP
Chapter VI participation (FVR converted) - +20 AP

====== Subtotal = 150 AP ======

Perm retirement Midas - +30 AP
Chapter VII | Chapter participation Mickaiah - +20 AP

====== Subtotal = 200 AP ======

Chapter VIII | Chapter participation Mickaiah - +20 AP
Chapter IX | Chapter participation Mickaiah - +22 AP

[-| Total |-]

242 Astral points

.:: Overview ::.

[-| Distribution |-]

Total SP || 330 (185 used)

Strength || 25
Wisdom || 0
Vitality || 50
Speed || 0
Cunning || 50 (15 rank boost)
Agility || 75

Rank || 100
Talent || 25
Talent 2 || 0

[-| Level overview |-]

  1. :bulletgreen: 5 AP | Can purchase accessories from your herd's shop
  2. :bulletgreen: 20 AP | You can now purchase Catalyst Items + 10 stat points
  3. :bulletgreen: 40 AP | Character can now receive their Talent
  4. :bulletgreen: 60 AP | Can purchase a Level 1 Familiar + 10 stat points
  5. :bulletgreen: 100 AP | Can receive First Blessing (choice of two) + free character slot.
  6. :bulletgreen: 140 AP | If first Blessing has not been acquired, the character can choose (not Holy) + 10 stat points
  7. :bulletgreen: 180 AP | First Blessing is now Level 2
  8. :bulletgreen: 220 AP | Can purchase a Level 2 Familiar + 2d Talent + 10 stat points
  9. :bulletred: 260 AP |  First Blessing is now Level 3
  10. :bulletred: 300 AP | Can receive Second Blessing, with a choice of three. Can apply for Holy + 10 stat points
  11. :bulletred: 340 AP | First Blessing is now maxed 
  12. :bulletred: 380 AP | Can purchase a Level 3 Mythical Familiar + 10 stat points
  13. :bulletred: 420 AP | If Second Blessing has not been acquired, the character can choose (not Holy).
  14. :bulletred: 460 AP | Second Blessing is now Level 2 + 10 stat points
  15. :bulletred: 500 AP | ???
  16. :bulletred: 540 AP | Acquires the ability to own two Familiars at once + 10 stat points
  17. :bulletred: 580 AP | Second Blessing is now Level 3
  18. :bulletred: 620 AP | Ability to meet your character’s patron God ‘in the flesh’ + 10 stat points
  19. :bulletred: 660 AP | Receive a special accessory from character's patron god
  20. :bulletred: 700 AP | Second Blessing is now Maxed + 10 stat points

[-| Stats |-]


:bulletgreen: At 25 |  You can push/pull things up to 1/4th of your body weight, and can lift things up to 1/8 of your body weight  using Telekinesis

:bulletred: At 50 | You can push/pull things up to 1/2  of your body weight, and can lift things up to 1/4 of your body weight using Telekinesis

:bulletred: At 75 |  You can push/ things up to your own body weight, and can lift things up to 1/2 of your body weight using Telekinesis

:bulletred: At 100 | You can push/pull things weighing twice as much as you do, and you can lift things weighing as much as you using Telekinesis



:bulletred: At 25 |  You are quite the book worm. You find it very easy to remember things you read as well as comprehending it.

:bulletred: At 50  | You’ve quickly figured out how to put all that knowledge to good use, and find it somewhat easier to do tasks unrelated to your rank or talent.

:bulletred: At 75 | You have made quite a name for yourself, and many horses seek you out for advice.

:bulletred: At 100 | You are incredibly adept at planning things when given enough time to put your knowledge to good use. Whether it’s business plans or interpersonal communication, you have a knack at figuring out the best way to go about it for the most sought after outcome.



:bulletgreen: At 25 | You are able to run full speed up to 1/4th mile without getting tired, and can maintain moderate speeds for up to a mile without getting winded. You are also more resistant to infections.

:bulletgreen: At 50 | You’re now able to carry/drag another equine for up to a 1/4th mile without your muscles giving out on you. You also begin to find yourself more resistant to common illnesses.

:bulletred: At 75 | You can run full speed for a mile without getting winded, and are capable of maintaining moderate speeds as long as needed without tiring. You are now immune to common diseases.

:bulletred: At 100 | You’re now capable of carrying/dragging another creature your size for up to a mile before your muscles can’t take it anymore. You are also immune to most diseases and infections.



:bulletgreen: At 25 | Maximum speed is 20 mph.

:bulletgreen: At 50 | Maximum speed is 30 mph.

:bulletgreen: At 75 | Maximum speed is 40 mph.

:bulletgreen: At 100 | Maximum speed is 50 mph.



:bulletgreen: At 25 | You are more clever than most.

:bulletgreen: At 50 | You can think quickly on your hooves, and formulate plans on the fly.

:bulletred: At 75 | You’re able to identify dangerous situations from a distance, and can quickly assess the best course of action to make it out safely.

:bulletred: At 100 |  You're exceptionally adept at working your way to the top. You pick up on new concepts quickly.



:bulletgreen: At 25 | You now maneuver more quickly and gracefully, and find yourself tripping over your feet less.

:bulletgreen: At 50 | You are capable of moving easily on uneven ground without any missteps.

:bulletgreen: At 75 | You are able to cross through all types of terrain without threat of injury. Not only are you quick and graceful, but you have become quite sure footed as well.

:bulletred: At 100 | You are now able to cross even the most steep mountains without issue. No terrain or rough footing can hold you back. Need to get through a tangled forest? No problem. Crossing a sandy desert? Pfft easy. Icey river crossings? Piece of cake with a bit of concentration.

[-| Rank |-]

Servile slave
 :bulletgreen: At 25 AP | Your life hinges on the ability to serve. You may gain your Tier 1 Talent early (for your first talent only).
 :bulletgreen: At 50 AP | You’ve received a gift from your owner, if one can call it that. Receive a Collar. (Not claimed yet)
 :bulletgreen: At 75 AP | They can subjugate your body, but not your mind. Receive +15 SP to your Cunning or Wisdom.
 :bulletgreen: At 100 AP | Whether as a reward for good behavior or simply a whim, your master has decided to grant you a pet. If your familiar spot is open, receive an Aodhian Level 1 Familiar. (Not claimed yet)

[-| Talent |-]

Talent 1: TBA
Talent 2: TBA

[-| Blessing |-]

Blessing 1: TBA

Blessing 2: TBA

Mickaiah (c) me
Headshot (c) tae-bun 
Tracker from the group Starborn-Alignment
Image size
1443x1906px 988.21 KB
© 2017 - 2024 moonlightwalk
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