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SA | Astral tracker | Lilliana




.:: Astral points ::.

[-| Gained|-]

Reference sheet - +8 AP
Chapter III participation (Renata) ( Last checked ) - +10 AP
Chapter III participation (Lilliana) ( Last checked ) - +10 AP
SA | Checkpoint 1.1 | We still have the sky - +5 AP
SA | Lilliana | Herd meme - +10 AP
SA | Introduction meme | Lilliana - +15 AP
SA | NPC | Alderic - +4 AP
SA | NPC | Eliam - +4 AP
SA | NPC | Penelope - +4 AP
SA | NPC | Roselia - +4 AP
Ryuune's retirment - +26 AP
====== Subtotal = 100 AP ======

SA | Starfall event | Wonder - +1 AP
SA | CP 1.2 | Not a joke - +6 AP
SA | Species meme | Lilliana - +15 AP
SA | NPC | Luca - +4 AP
SA | Hypo foal meme | Lilliana - + 14 AP
Chapter participation (FVR converted; Other half to Kaito) - +10 AP
====== Subtotal = 150 AP ======

Chapter V Participation | Lilliana - +20 AP
SA | One of you - +8 AP
SA | CC 2018 | WF | Battle of the Drenched fields - +3 AP
Chapter VI | Participation Lilliana - +20 AP
====== Subtotal = 201 AP ======

Chapter VII | Participation Lilliana - +20 AP
SA | The calling - +35 AP
====== Subtotal = 256 AP ======

Chapter VIII | Chapter participation Lilliana  - +22 AP
SA | Baby blackbird - +5 AP
Chapter 9 participation Lilliana - +22 AP

[-| Total |-]

305 Astral points

.:: Other ::.

[-| Distribution |-]

Total SP || 350 (150 used)

Strength || 0
Wisdom || 75 (+15 // bard)
Vitality || 15 (+15 // hedgewitch)
Speed || 0
Cunning || 75
Agility || 0

Rank || 0 (missionary) | 75 (hedgewitch - old) | 75 (bard - old)
Talent || 100
Talent 2 || 0

[-| Level overview |-]

  1. :bulletgreen: 5 AP | Can purchase accessories from your herd's shop
  2. :bulletgreen: 20 AP | You can now purchase Catalyst Items + 10 stat points
  3. :bulletgreen: 40 AP | Character can now receive their Talent
  4. :bulletgreen: 60 AP | Can purchase a Level 1 Familiar + 10 stat points
  5. :bulletgreen: 100 AP | Can receive First Blessing (choice of two) + free character slot.
  6. :bulletgreen: 140 AP | If first Blessing has not been acquired, the character can choose (not Holy) + 10 stat points
  7. :bulletgreen: 180 AP | First Blessing is now Level 2
  8. :bulletgreen: 220 AP | Can purchase a Level 2 Familiar + 2d Talent + 10 stat points
  9. :bulletgreen: 260 AP |  First Blessing is now Level 3
  10. :bulletgreen: 300 AP | Can receive Second Blessing, with a choice of three. Can apply for Holy + 10 stat points
  11. :bulletred: 340 AP | First Blessing is now maxed 
  12. :bulletred: 380 AP | Can purchase a Level 3 Mythical Familiar + 10 stat points
  13. :bulletred: 420 AP | If Second Blessing has not been acquired, the character can choose (not Holy).
  14. :bulletred: 460 AP | Second Blessing is now Level 2 + 10 stat points
  15. :bulletred: 500 AP | ???
  16. :bulletred: 540 AP | Acquires the ability to own two Familiars at once + 10 stat points
  17. :bulletred: 580 AP | Second Blessing is now Level 3
  18. :bulletred: 620 AP | Ability to meet your character’s patron God ‘in the flesh’ + 10 stat points
  19. :bulletred: 660 AP | Receive a special accessory from character's patron god
  20. :bulletred: 700 AP | Second Blessing is now Maxed + 10 stat points

[-| Stats |-]


:bulletred: At 25 |  You can push/pull things up to 1/4th of your body weight, and can lift things up to 1/8 of your body weight  using Telekinesis

:bulletred: At 50 | You can push/pull things up to 1/2  of your body weight, and can lift things up to 1/4 of your body weight using Telekinesis

:bulletred: At 75 |  You can push/ things up to your own body weight, and can lift things up to 1/2 of your body weight using Telekinesis

:bulletred: At 100 | You can push/pull things weighing twice as much as you do, and you can lift things weighing as much as you using Telekinesis



:bulletgreen: At 25 |  You are quite the book worm. You find it very easy to remember things you read as well as comprehending it.

:bulletgreen: At 50  | You’ve quickly figured out how to put all that knowledge to good use, and find it somewhat easier to do tasks unrelated to your rank or talent.

:bulletgreen: At 75 | You have made quite a name for yourself, and many horses seek you out for advice.

:bulletred: At 100 | You are incredibly adept at planning things when given enough time to put your knowledge to good use. Whether it’s business plans or interpersonal communication, you have a knack at figuring out the best way to go about it for the most sought after outcome.



:bulletred: At 25 | You are able to run full speed up to 1/4th mile without getting tired, and can maintain moderate speeds for up to a mile without getting winded. You are also more resistant to infections.

:bulletred: At 50 | You’re now able to carry/drag another equine for up to a 1/4th mile without your muscles giving out on you. You also begin to  find yourself more resistant to common illnesses.

:bulletred: At 75 | You can run full speed for a mile without getting winded, and are capable of maintaining moderate speeds as long as needed without tiring. You are now immune to common diseases.

 :bulletred: At 100 | You’re now capable of carrying/dragging another creature your size for up to a mile before your muscles can’t take it anymore. You are also immune to most diseases and infections.



:bulletred: At 25 | Maximum speed is 20 mph.

:bulletred: At 50 | Maximum speed is 30 mph.

:bulletred: At 75 | Maximum speed is 45 mph.

:bulletred: At 100 | Maximum speed is 60 mph.



:bulletgreen: At 25 | You are quite the smooth talker. Not only can you talk others into helping you,but you know which shops to go to for the best deals.

:bulletgreen: At 50 | You know the layout of your stomping grounds better than most, and can easily manoeuvre them for a quick escape if need be. You are also rather adept and setting ambushes in these areas as well.

:bulletgreen: At 75 | You’re able to identify dangerous situations from a distance, and can quickly assess the best course of action to make it out safely.  

:bulletred: At 100 |  You’ve become quite a quick thinker, and can easily work out plans on the fly, even while in combat.



:bulletred: At 25 | You now maneuver more quickly and gracefully, and find yourself tripping over your feet less.

:bulletred: At 50 | You are capable of moving easily on uneven ground without any missteps.

:bulletred: At 75 | You are able to cross through all types of terrain without threat of injury. Not only are you quick and graceful, but you have become quite sure footed as well.

:bulletred: At 100 | You are now able to cross even the most steep mountains without issue. No terrain or rough footing can hold you back. Need to get through a tangled forest? No problem. Crossing a sandy desert? Pfft easy. Icey river crossings? Piece of cake with a bit of concentration.

[-| Rank |-]


:bulletred: 25 AP l Yours is a mission crucial to the success of Digend’s plan. Pick either Mediator or Improvisionist talent early to aid you in your task (first talent only).
:bulletred: 50 AP l The roads can be dangerous and harsh, but you are prepared. Get a free Cloak and a Shield to keep you safe and warm.​​​​​​​
:bulletred: 75 AP l  You are doing god’s work, but not everyone is easily convinced. Receive +15 SP to either cunning or wisdom to help you build a convincing argument.
:bulletred: 100 AP l Digend watches over you, but a familiar couldn’t hurt. If your familiar slot is empty, receive a Level 2 Vagabond Familiar (except rare) for free.

Hedgewitch [OLD]
 :bulletgreen: 25 AP l The plants of the forest speak to you, and you must understand their unique qualities for your work. Receive the Herbalist talent early, if you wish.
:bulletgreen: 50 AP l A hedgewitch is always on the move. To keep a good supply of herbs on hoof, receive a handy set of Saddlebags for free.
:bulletgreen: 75 AP l  The desperate and helpless constantly seek your power. Gain an additional +15 SP to either wisdom or vitality.

Bard [OLD]

:bulletgreen: 25 AP | Your stories are made even more vibrant and lifelike because of your unique knowledge of Hireath lore. Receive the Loremaster talent early, if you wish.

:bulletgreen: 50 AP | You’ve accumulated quite the collection of items on your travels: books, props, and musical instruments, just to name a few. Receive free Saddlebags to manage your inventory.

:bulletgreen: 75 AP |  Your reputation as an entertainer precedes you; your hours of rehearsal are paying off. Gain an additional +15 SP to either cunning or wisdom.

[-| Talent |-]

Talent 1: Potion master

Bullet; Green At 25 AP | You’ve developed a passion for brewing. After a few… accidents, that may or may not have involved explosions, you've learned to consistently brew weak potions... including some poisons.

Bullet; Green At 50 AP | It takes a quick mind to brew potions successfully... but it also takes quick reflexes to dodge the uh, less than successful experiments. +10 SP to Speed

Bullet; Green At 75 AP | Brewing new potions is fulfilling... but it's also hard on your personal possessions (and sometimes skin). Claim a free item from the accessory or weapon shop (20 CS limit).(not yet claimed)

Bullet; Green At 100 AP | Healing ointments, insidious poisons, and everything in between- you can brew them all and more, and have become known as someone who is not to be crossed. You get good deals on your purchases, and with good reason. Receive a 50% discount on all magic shop purchases related to this character (Catalyst items NOT included).

Talent 2: TBA

[-| Blessings |-]

Blessing 1: Mediumship - The ability to communicate with the spirits of those who have passed or unearthly spirits which cannot be seen.

:bulletgreen: Lv.1: You are able to speak clearly with the wandering spirits of the dead or low level earth spirits as if they were alive.

:bulletgreen: Lv.2: You are able to summon ONE low level spirit and speak with them. These spirits must remain stagnant in the place where they were summoned.

:bulletgreen: Lv.3: You are able to summon multiple low level spirits and make requests of them but you have no control over their actions.

:bulletred: Lv.4: You are able to summon a single spirit and force them to finish a task that does not involve physical contact.

Blessing 2: TBA

Lilliana and art (c) me
Tracker from the group Starborn-Alignment
Image size
1443x1842px 975.37 KB
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