
Pantheleon - Activity check 2

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moonlightwalk's avatar

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Pan grumbeled under his breath, shivering as he worked his way through the snow. How was he supossed to find anything of use in this thick snow? Clearly his dad didn't think this properly through. There was white...everywhere. He shivered, whishing he was inside instead. He could probably have learned an animal or two how to attack their enemy. That would help them way more than some stupid sticks that they dug out of the snow. The fact that mice and birds would do little against cats escaped his reasoning, instead he frowned. The problem was that he was amongst their enemies. Kaa. The one who abandoned them. He had decided that though related by blood,  he was not his true dad. Iorek was. Still he was unsure if he would be able to harm the tom, knowing who he was. Or if he'd call off his army of mice. He closed his eyes for a moment, shaking his head, trying to disloge the thoughts the same way he tried to shake of the fallen snow from his fur. Just like snow though, it sticked, soaking him and making him shiver. His eyes snapped open and he dug his paws deeper into ground, making the snow crunch. He decided he would harm him if he dared harm them. Still he was glad, so glad, he had never seen the cat's face. It would so much easier when the other was unknown. A quiet huff escaped his lips, a puff of breath appearing in the air. For now there was just work.

Last minute activity check for Pan.
Pan should angst less, bad teenager!
Now bed xD

Panthaleon | Mine
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Kitonika9's avatar
Time for Kaa to show him he's actually a softie with a love for sweet stuff like honey :eyes: