(C) English Ivy Divider (FTU)Moonlight-pendent13 on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/moonlight-pendent13/art/C-English-Ivy-Divider-FTU-633240492Moonlight-pendent13

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(C) English Ivy Divider (FTU)

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One of my favorite kinda houseplants! English Ivy is lovely <3 feel free to use on your profile or anywhere else for decor!

Use Policy Tag: Credit Required 2 by Cammerel
Please do not repost/claim as your own, free for use around dA, no credit needed. If used outside of dA please credit/link back. Only to be used as a decoration, not reposted anywhere else.
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210x15px 22.09 KB
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sparklingLiights's avatar

used on toyhouse! linked back to here :]