YHH Auction: CLOSEDMoonie-Dogg on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/moonie-dogg/art/YHH-Auction-CLOSED-629988161Moonie-Dogg

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Moonie-Dogg's avatar




3 AP for 5 accepted SA character chibis (two of these ponies aren't accepted into the group yet so not counting them)

3 AP Total for Gianna

Yo, didn't want to keep you guys waiting to finish all of these so here are the ones that are completed. <3
:iconskyofnewmoon: bought a gift for :iconmidnitella: and :iconhyuuka:
:iconchipo-h0p3: (You gave more so you got more. ;P

Decided to do a your horse here thing. Accepting points, USD, and art as payment. Art offers have to be a separate, individual comment from the auction comment.

Bidding will end 48 hours after last bid, unless I accept an art offer. Minimum bid increment is 50 :points: or 50 cents. Starborn Alignment characters preferred. Complex designs will cost extra. 

This is what it will look like once finished:

Chibiness by Ladybro-MeghanChibi Commissions by Ladybro-Meghan
Image size
1400x1200px 488.94 KB
© 2016 - 2024 Moonie-Dogg
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impassioned-dreams's avatar
thank you so so much, these came out so perfectly omg!!! you did such an amazing job with the both of them :') 
is there any chance i could get a png of the two without the outline?? <3