FluttershyMoongazePonies on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/moongazeponies/art/Fluttershy-206239917MoongazePonies

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UPDATE: I had used kefkafloyd's color guide for this, but the stroke color just really bugged me, so I changed it to a softer tone that is closer to what you see in the show. I think it looks much better now. :)

I believe this is the first actual Fluttershy pic I've done. Dunno why it took me this long to make one. :P

This is also the first time I used one of :iconkefkafloyd:'s color guides. This is the one for Fluttershy: [link]

I think the outline color is too dark, personally. I don't know which images he was referencing to come up with that color since everything I've seen of Fluttershy had a much lighter and neutral tone, but whatever.
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