HOW Magazine with credit to the artist.
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Using one of the three stock images from Fotolia, show us your visions of new beginnings at the end of times.

Download Assets
Download the asset pack and choose one of the three provided stock images below as the base and inspiration for your entry.

Please be as creative as you like while maintaining the position of the core components in these iconic photos to maximize the before and after comparison.
Read Official Rules

Fotolia 4: Stockpocalypse Challenge gallery.
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Browse Work

- Winning entry as a full page advertisement for Fotolia
in HOW Magazine with credit
to artist.**
- $1,000 USD
- $100 USD of credits at
- Winner's choice of either the
Wacom Intuos5 touch Large Pen
Tablet or The New iPad (16GB black)
- 6,000 deviantART Points
- dA Pro Digital Artist Backpack
- DeviantART hoodie of winner's choice*
- 1-Year Premium Membership
to deviantART
included in the ultimate ad design.

- $750 USD
- $50 USD of credits at
- Wacom Bamboo Create Pen & Tablet
- 2,000 deviantART Points
- dA Pro Digital Artist Backpack
- DeviantART T-Shirt of winner's choice*
- 6-Month Premium Membership
to deviantART

- $500 USD
- $50 USD of credits at
- Wacom Bamboo Create Pen & Tablet
- 2,000 deviantART Points
- dA Pro Digital Artist Backpack
- DeviantART T-Shirt of winner's choice*
- 6-Month Premium Membership
to deviantART

- $25 USD of credits at stockproject.fotolia.com
- 800 deviantART Points
- DeviantART T-Shirt of winner's choice*
- 3-month Premium Membership to deviantART

October 5, 2012 and must be submitted to the Contest gallery on
- Entrants must be members of deviantART and at least 13 years old to
participate. Residents of any country eligible. Membership to deviantART is free;
- Entrants must use one of the three stock photographs provided in the
asset pack "click here";
- Entry must maintain the position of these core components as applicable in the
three photographs - the handshake, the family and the house;
- Entry should maximize a before and after comparison of the Work against the
original photograph;
- Entry must be in the form of a JPG or PNG in the aspect ratio of the chosen
photograph with minimum resolution of 300 dpi;
- Entries can originate in any medium. Online entries only, hard copies
not accepted;
- Entry may include any additional original material made by Entrant;
- Entry may not contain stock images obtained from other members of
deviantART or other companies, however, licensed fonts, stock brushes and
textures are acceptable;
- You may use elements from stock photographs found at
- You must provide in the description section when you upload your entry a list of
the stockproject.deviantart.com images you used in the Work, if any;
- You may submit more than one entry but only one entry per entrant may
be chosen as a Finalist.
Read Official Rules

The 25 finalists will be chosen by full-time deviantART
staff. The grand prize winner will be selected by the
world-wide Chairman of Fotolia, Inc, Oleg Tscheltzoff.
All entries will be judged on the following criteria with
whatever weight the judges determine:
- Creative Use of Assets Provided
- Successful Interpretation of the Theme
- Overall Impact
- Technical Skill
- Effectiveness in a Before and After Display
Read Official Rules

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