mooname on DeviantArt

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mooname's avatar

in connecting we trust



to finish the year beautifully, maximum work on this creation for the upcoming mix album (soon) , 
a journey between analog and mystical, a boundary between cosmic mystery and technology...
I want to thank the many artists who through their support in my creative research by their encouragement this year and particularly the work fabulous of:

:iconpaulinemoss: for her incredible texture space at :…

:icondameodessastock: for her beautiful flower stock at:…

:iconagsandrew: for his amazing "energy of digital paint" texture at:…

:iconstatic-ghost: for his so great Deep space texture at:…

:icontandps-artresources: for his faboulous crab nebula stock at: tandps-artresources.deviantart…

:iconxnienke: for her so beautiful light texture at:…
the last perfect firework at:…

:icontigers-stock: for her incredible stagelight stock at:…

:iconstockproject: for his amazing sunlight rays stock at:…

:iconfrostbo: for his so great transparent cloud Stock at:…
and so beautiful cloud texture at:…

:iconmoonchilde-stock: for her beautiful cosmic breach stock at:…
and incredible Cauldron Nebula stock at:…
with angel wings nebula stock at:…

:iconkamoondna: for his so great texture abstract at:…

:icondazzle-textures: for her so cool "Veins" rust texture at:…
and "Electricity" texture at:…

:iconucmorlale-textures: for her so amazing abstract texture "yK1" at: ucmorlale-textures.deviantart.…

:iconbyggiy: for his really nice halo at:…

:iconcoolmaggi: for her amazing light texture at:…

:iconsirius-sdz: for his always incredible textures at:…

:iconasphyxiate-stock: for her so cool bursty sparkly texture at:…

:iconneedanewname: for his so great clouds and thorns stock at:…

:iconribot02: in :iconanimationet: for his incredible cables stock at:…

:iconbull53y3: for his so nice blue nebula at:…

:iconfune-stock: for his amazing space buiding apophysis nebula pack at :…

:iconex-astris1701: for her always gorgeous fractal Nebula Pack at:…

:iconmd-arts: for his incredible "avatar on fire" at:…

:iconyasincrow: for his so great "smoke - fume - factory stock" at:…

:icondeceptivx: for his amazing C4D stock at:…

:iconbarefootliam-stock: for his incredilbe typewriter stock (1895) at: barefootliam-stock.deviantart.…

:icondrake-stock: for his so cool "Blue Steel Room Portal" at:…

:iconbonnysaintandrew: for his beautiful "Brass Fire Engine Detail" at :…

:iconsasa-stock: for her really nice candle stock at:…

:iconkoko-stock: for her superb nature stock at:…

:iconmehreenfreed: for his so nice texture : marble at:…

:iconallstock: for her so great Light Rays texture at:…

:iconwolfc-stock: for his amazing Church stock places at:…

~onecoldcanadian for his so cool Cardboard Mix texture at:…

Image size
9921x10524px 53.37 MB
© 2013 - 2024 mooname
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Shades-Of-Lethe's avatar

What a profound visual expression you have created... Excellent art! :hug: