Montreuil's avatar


Sounds like Montrey
54 Watchers29 Deviations

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Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (20)
My Bio

Current Residence: The inland northwest
Favourite genre of music: alt-country, indie rock, soul
Favourite style of art: art noveau, retro illustration, manga
MP3 player of choice: gradually disintegrating Ipod

Favourite Visual Artist
Bachalo, Buscema, Mucha, Immonen, Brandon Graham
Favourite Movies
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
David Byrne, Jim White, Calexico, the New Pornographers, Gorillaz, Regina Spektor, the Roots
Favourite Writers
Grant Morrison, early Stephenson, later Chabon, China Mieville, Vonnegut, Kerouac, Steinbeck, Fforde
Favourite Games
Fallout 2, Grim Fandango or X-Men vs. Street Fighter
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Deleter pens, lightbox, MangaStudio, photoshop
Other Interests
comics & illustration, writing, architecture, journalism, road trips, beer
Too lazy to dismantle everything, but I won't be adding much (if any) new content on DeviantArt going forward. Just go to  my tumblr  instead if you like my stuff and want to see more. If I ever get a real site up, I'll post the address there.
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Lately I've been trying to create finished work that's inked conventionally, since I'm not satisfied with the results the "early version of MangaStudio + low-power old PC + small, prehistoric wacom tablet" equation have been getting me. I've been relatively satisfied with how this is going, thanks to finally taking advantage of process white paint to fix mistakes, but I still haven't found a pen I'm 100% comfortable with.I've been primarily using a set of Deleter Saji nibs I got last summer, along with a really old Maru nib I got years ago. I love the detail I can get on the Maru, but the age of the nib seems to be catching up with it... t...
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After literal months of working and reworking, "Ray's" is finally complete. Or at least complete enough that I feel like I can show it in public without being ashamed of my work. Now I get to start a new comic!...I should probably figure out what that's gonna be.
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Profile Comments 22

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Thanks for the watch. :D
Thanks for watching! :headbang:
Thanks for the watch dude :D
Thanks for the awesome artwork at the Plop! Hope the wind died down by the time we left ^_^
Hey, thanks for all the help literally holding down the fort! You guys were super-cool, we all really appreciated you both lending a hand that way.

The wind kept going, but thanks to your inventiveness with tying down the top piping to the buckets, we managed to stick it out, with no (significant) injuries. :)

Thanks again!
Happy Birthday to you :D
Sorry no gift for you but I just wish ya :)
are YOU lookin' at ME?! lol thanks for the watch, man!